
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

A seven year old observation about the Catholic Church

From a post about a Catholic diocese giving the green light for girl football players.  Read the post here.  I go into depth about that particular subject, knowing what I know of football and my son's participation in it (when they were having the same thing relative to a girl on their team).  That whole business seems to have died down right now.  The point of the Church's continual 'when the World speaks, we jump' approach, however, appears nowhere as strong as today - despite catastrophic results.  Sort of like saying 'we started a new game plan ten years ago and haven't won a game since ...  let's keep going with it!'.  Since it was seven year ago, and comparing where the church of the Pope Francis era has come, it's worth a look back and a reflection.


  1. Ooooooh! The post is from 7 years ago! At first I thought you were saying your youngest was commenting on things (since they would be around 7 years old as far as I know). Now i see my error.

    1. Heh. Good one. I can see how it reads that way.


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