
Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Delusional racism of the modern Left

As I've said, White is the new Jew for the Left.  Just take Nazi speeches from the 1930s, scratch out 'Jew' wherever it appears, and replace it with 'White', and you'll barely miss a syllable.  For whites, it is the ultimate penance, to agree that their white skin is the source of their evil, like a disease or an infection cured only through repentance and obeisance before the Leftist State.

So this is the poor woman who's daughter was killed in the Charlottesville riots a couple years ago.  A tragedy to be sure, but not the discount Holocaust that the leftist propaganda ministry has made it.  Nonetheless, it is one of those landmarks in the Left's trail of blood that traces the suffering of humanity through the bilge of the evil Christian West and its bastard child America.

The mother is interviewed and you know what?  She says she still gets support after all this time.  The problem?  Instead of just being thankful that people care, she turns it into an indictment on her own skin color, saying the only reason people care like this is because she is white.  She lists Trayvon Martin (who I just saw a story about a few weeks ago), and Eric Garner's family (who was in the news recently and featured much support for justice for him and his family) as examples of people who likely don't have the kind of support she has.  Once again, the leftist narrative runs smack into the facts and truth of the real world. 

Sure, my heart breaks for her.  No mother should go through what she has gone through. And I cut her some slack.  I don't know how balanced I would be after losing a child under any circumstances. But I don't care if a grand dragon of the KKK lost a child or a Nazi death camp guard had a terminally ill spouse.  Evil is still evil.  And she has completely embraced a form of racism that is barely two generations old, but as evil as any that is centuries old.

Think on that. Those who hate blacks and embrace racist attitudes toward blacks inherited centuries of racist ideals and perspectives.  Those who hated Jews were building upon a form of bigotry measured in the thousands of years.  But those embracing this latest form of racism have no such excuse.  It simply didn't exist until recently.  Many of the older Americans embracing this would have been alive when there was no such attitude.  So they are without excuse. 


  1. Sometimes they're just plain ole racist to blacks too.

    1. In fairness, the one who used that term appears to be African American. We've already settled in as a nation on the idea that standards are separate depending on your particular demographic. I'm stuck on the story about an ICE office being shot up by someone, apparently, inspired by the anti-ICE rhetoric. It was mentioned in a brief story on the news once, and that's all I've heard.

    2. WHen I hit your link, Nate, at the bottom of the story was this:

      "Shut up," he explained.

  2. She lists Trayvon Martin (who I just saw a story about a few weeks ago), and Eric Garner's family (who was in the news recently and featured much support for justice for him and his family) as examples of people who likely don't have the kind of support she has.

    Trayvon Martin's family received far more attention from all parties than could possibly have been good for them, and it left them terribly disoriented. Their son died seven years ago and it was a death by misadventure. As for Eric Garner, he was a morbidly obese diabetic who had an eccentric reaction to an ordinary police tackle; the police tackled he because he was being noncompliant. Why would this woman fancy people should hear from perfect strangers when a family member dies of a heart attack? Thousands of people die every day in this country.

    I doubt this woman educated her daughter well.


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