
Friday, May 24, 2019

A post on Memorial Day movies and memories

Here is an old post I did on movies we watch around Memorial Day.  We don't do it as much together anymore as the boys are moving on with their myriad obligations in life.  They'll still try to make some time this weekend to be together.  But the full weekend off is pretty much a thing of the past.  So how many we will see?  Hard to tell.  But we'll at least get to the cemetery (weather permitting) and do some remembrance of what the holiday is all about. 

I realize for having put aside blogging, I've done a lot of it.  I said I would put it aside unless something crazy or important comes up.  Given the growing chorus of those on the Left openly declaring their desire to make war on the Christian Faith, Christians, white people, men, heterosexuals, Americans, the Christian West, and the United States, our liberties and our freedoms, it's almost impossible to go a day without seeing something that rises to the occasion of crazy or important.

Nonetheless, not this weekend.  With what time we have, we'll be busy.  When the boys are all together, we'll definitely try to cram in what we can.  It will be next week before we are back.  Here are a few post of Memorial Days gone by, just for the memories.

In the meantime, consider the blind foolishness of the modern Left, and why it is emerging as the preeminent threat to mankind and liberty in our time, as you gaze on this image:

Where, or where, is Michael Flynn of TOF when we need him?  See you next week.

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