
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Meanwhile in India and Pakistan

While the press, along with the Democrats and leftist pundits (but I repeat myself), hope for a miracle in Cohen's testimony, and everyone is trying their best to spin Trump's N. Korea summit Part Deux, there appears to be a real crisis brewing in a forgotten corner of the world.

I'm not ready to go all panic.  That part of the world has a history that makes the worst of European history seem tame by comparison. I took some classes in my undergrad days that focused on the lands east of the West, and it was like Game of Thrones without the restraint.  One of the worst stupid evils of leftist propaganda and multi-cultural spin has been to implant the tendency to think The West is the only real source of problems in the world.  Smack Europe down and get America in line, and it will be love, joy, free sex and John Lennon songs all day.

A fatal error to be sure.  Nonetheless, that region's long, tumultuous history is also the best bet for a non-nuke resolution.  They're used to coming to blows and then backing away.  It's like those who have actually lived in other parts of the world who realize that there are places where corruption and dishonesty are almost the glue that holds the culture together.  Their ways, to quote the good count, are not our ways.  And what they are used to is not what we are used to.

So I'd say pray.  Unless Cohen pulls an actual piece of real evidence out of his pocket, nothing he is saying will matter.  Trump's enemies want him gone, because he's guilty by virtue of not having a (D) in front of his name.  This is Cory Booker's Democrats, after all, where guilt and innocence no longer matter.  Trump's supporters, therefore, will cling to any glimmer of hope no matter what comes out about Trump, because they know if he is taken down, they're next.

But the big story right now is one where things might just return to normal as they often do, but if not, there could be serious problems and threats in the not-too-distant.

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, You said to Your disciples, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.”  We come before You in humility and ask that Your peace which surpasses all understanding will descend upon all people around the world, especially those currently in conflict and at war. Increase understanding and forgiveness between nations.  Awaken the longing for a peaceful life in all those who are filled with hatred for their neighbor.  Extinguish every dispute and banish all temptations to disagreement. Grant wisdom to civil authorities.  Free those held captive, protect those in danger, and comfort those who are suffering and displaced.  Implant in all of us reverence for You, and confirm us in love for one another.  Make us worthy to celebrate the feast of Your holy nativity and to join with the angels in chanting: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill towards men.” For You are the King of Peace and the Savior of our souls and to You we give glory together with Your eternal Father and Your most-holy, gracious and life-giving Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen.

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