
Friday, January 4, 2019

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez video shows Conservatives can be stupid

As evidenced by some conservative somewhere who thought they had a smoking gun for discrediting Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez by digging up a video of her - Gasp! - dancing! Oh, the humanity, the horror, the absolute head-up-a-donkey's-butt idiocy that would think this makes her look anything other than, well, charming.  It certainly makes her charming compared to some of what conservatives have had to swallow when it comes to resurfaced videos of President Trump.

The clip is from when she was in college.  I watched with the sound off, so perhaps it has her spouting endless vulgarities and anti-American insults.  But given what I'm seeing, both from press and even conservative outlets, it's nothing more than an exuberant, fun-loving college girl dancing.   Yeah, let's look like the conservative stereotypes in Footloose why don't we. 

There are many, many, many things to criticize Ms. Ocasio-Cortez over.  There is certain cause to criticize the press's love affair with her based on her socialist credentials and the Left's embrace of Group Identity politics.  But this video is nowhere close to one of them.  In fact, it makes the conservatives who thought this would be the coup de grace look all the more stupid because of it. 

Let's face it, conservatives are bad at this.  For reasons I don't know, perhaps because the culture in general is against them rather than at their back, whenever conservatives try this sort of thing, it always backfires.  Perhaps it's time for conservatives to step up and show the country that we need mature adults having mature discussions about important issues, and leave the childish, talk show level punditry to the Left.  Goodness knows, they're better at it than conservatives ever were.


  1. I'm legit curious who thinks a conservative "leaked" this. Glancing at the reports seems like it could easily have been a supporter. Maybe even pretending to be conservative. I've seen too many fake hate crimes to really believe anybody that acts too cliche. (Heck i wouldn't believe Shea is real if I didn't know better).

    1. I don't know that a conservative leaked it, but conservatives at least were jumping on it with variations on 'look at how stupid she is/she is acting.' Some say the conservatives leaked it, others simply that conservatives simply jumped on it. Even if they ended up not being the ones who leaked it, this should have been left alone or, better yet, 'why, we disagree with her about a great many things, but she sure can dance!', or something similar.

  2. Suspicious:

    1. Yeah, I had posted a comment running down some links and checking things above but I think it may be stuck in Dave's spam filter now.

    2. Yep, sorry about that Nate. For some reason, every 12th email you send me goes to spam. Go figure. I'll look into that. Thanks>

    3. I missed Nate's email. I'll look into this. Thanks

    4. Note Dave that it wasn't technically an email, but a comment. I figured it got flagged for spam because I put a lot of links in it trying to run down the claims.

    5. That's Odd Nate. I just assumed email since there was nothing of yours in spam or anything. It's just not there.

  3. Well drat. Thankfully I took a lot of the text and converted it into an article that should be up soon.

    Also PJ Media has commented on it too.

    1. The lost comment is now expanded and posted to an article.

  4. What exactly is your problem with Trump?

    1. Many things. Some of them are policy issues where he seems more progressive than anything. Certainly his behavior. I don't blame him. He is what our society has become. But someone to fight the way he does, but while taking the high road, would be nice. Likewise, he sometimes seems to embrace the modern 'fact? who needs facts?' approach to issues. You can't just say whatever and suddenly make it true. That's one of the great scandals and threats today, and one sees it when battling on the internet, especially at places like Patheos or other modern, progressive locations. Trump's following the same path doesn't help. With that, I'm certainly hoping he does well, and do appropriate some of the things he has accomplished. Though I wonder how long term they will be.

  5. Let me know when you find your ideal candidate. And please, don't try to take the dishonest way out by parsing the term "ideal". Because the fact is, your criticisms are all derived from your own personal "ideal" of which Trump falls short.

    I look forward to openly criticizing your imaginary candidate from Pollyanna-town U.S.A.

    1. OF course my criticisms derive from my own personal ideal. But what I want from a leader is, preferably, not one who embodies many of the things that are hurting society at the core. I give Trump credit where it is due. And yes, he's a barrier against the naked assault on freedom and liberty that is being waged on our country by the Left. But he appears to support things that I feel are extremely problematic (in word and/or deed), and wouldn't support if a Democrat endorsed them; he is too fast and loose with facts and accuracy, something plaguing our society today (visit Patheos for an example); and I"m not convinced that all of his solutions will be long term. Just yesterday, Kevin Hassett said that the big savings that families were supposed to get from the Great Tax Cut would actually be over the course of several years, not just this year. That's not - repeat, not - what was said a year ago. Things like that, taken as a set, mixed together, make supporting him problematic .


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