
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Stay warm everyone


Because of Climate Change, we are going to get blasted by some of the coldest temperatures in decades.  When it's strangely hot in the summer, it naturally becomes Global Warming.  Make sense?

Not at all.  But ours is not to question why.  The news and the Democrats (and Pope Francis) have concluded it's true because the majority of scientists with pure hearts have read the models and concluded it's true.  Majority consensus being what makes things true of course.  Those scientists who disagree? They're the baddies and are corrupt and on the fossil fuel industry dole and all that jazz.

Of course the funny thing about things like this article is that it gets the simple minded to think 'wait a minute.  If there was life under that glacier, doesn't it mean it was warmer back then than even now?'  The fact that they say ice is melting faster than ever and yet we will be as cold as decades ago when, per scientists (who are honest), there was much more ice which didn't cause polar vortexes like this ... what the heck?

And yet, we believe it.  We have to.  Just like you had to oppose Communism in the 50s.  The only thing is, you don't have Hollywood or the press to bail you out today.  They're part of the dogmatic proclamation.

Do I believe our approach to industrialization was healthy for us or the planet?  No.  Which is why I think our modern 'let's do to human nature what we did to mother nature' attitude is as foolhardy as you get.  Especially given that, according to scientists, it's STEM that caused global warming climate change.  But I can't help but notice, the more people talk, that most of the big world shaking solutions will go little toward stopping our inevitable doom if the numbers are to be believed, nor will they inconvenience the millionaire and billionaire advocates and politicians (or the pretty well to do scientists who don't do badly today), but will likely hurt average middle class and lower middle class blue color types.

That fact alone bounces around my mind the more we watch this thing play out.  That, and the fact that science admits it was completely wrong about the whole DNA and gender thing up until a few years ago, and now can't quite figure the whole boy/girl and sex and babies links.  That those things are too complex, but a topic like the entire history of global climate is simple and true because the majority says so, is enough for me to say I smell a rat.

Monday, January 28, 2019

When a Hollywood actor is more outraged about New York's abortion law than Catholic apologists


Meanwhile, a devout pro-life Catholic apologist reacts:

No big thoughts on it.  Sure it's 100% the GOP's fault (factually wrong of course, but Mark is about 99% wrong on everything he posts at this point).  But the main thing is, no real big thoughts on it.  It's just the legalized murder of babies inches away from birth.  Nothing to see here.  Let's move on. 

In fairness to Mark, at least he commented.  I was going to post some other examples, but damned if I could find any New Prolife Catholics who commented.  Mary Pezzulo at Steel Magnificat and Rebecca Bratten Weiss at Suspended in Her Jar were noticeably silent.  They did each post pieces reflecting on National Holocaust Remembrance Day, reminding us how horrifyingly evil were those Americans, Christians and Europeans of old.  Ms. Pezzulo also posted a mock "apology" in which she laments expecting anything from the Covington students, so she's sorry she had harsh words to say to kids who obviously should have had the bar of expectations buried low in the dirt. 

Other than that?  Not a single word - not a jot or tittle - on Patheos about the new law that makes it so much easier to murder a baby with only seconds to spare before it is born.  I guess Ms. Pezzulo was exhausted from trying desperately to keep the slanderous and racist attacks on the Covington kids alive, and of course Mark was also spending his energies trying to find Muslim activists, radical Leftists, and anyone else who could heap scorn on those white skin sissies who are all bothered about multiple death threats, bomb threats, threats of expulsion, condemnation from their own church, calls to have their applications to colleges flagged, and celebrities offering favors and even oral sex if someone would just take those boys out and beat them within an inch of their lives.

Such is the New Prolife Catholic movement.  Like the Left itself, evil and human suffering matter ... insofar as it benefits the Left.  Otherwise?  Eh. 

If those lamenting Holocaust Remembrance Day want to learn from it, it might be worth asking who is burying their heads in the sand, offering to build trees around the new barbed wire fences so nobody can see, or even joining in with the goosestepping parades today?  Who is embracing the racism, murder, narcissism, hedonism, bigotry and the sides dedicated to the same?  It just might surprise them who really owns the horrors of the past.  And they might not like it at all. 

BTW, well done Mr. Davi.

Friday, January 25, 2019

If only pro-choice Catholic politicians wore MAGA hats and had white skin

Then we'd be seeing a helluva lot more fire and brimstone than this from Catholic leadership.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Bishop John Stowe is ashamed of the Covington Students

Not the day the story broke.  Not within hours of the lies and falsehoods that have been walked back by all but the most hardcore leftist outlets.  But on January 23, when we knew virtually nothing that the students were accused of was true.
I am ashamed that the actions of Kentucky Catholic high school students have become a contradiction of the very reverence for human life that the march is supposed to manifest.
I have no idea if he means the things they were falsely accused of.  But, as the good bishop says, they had Trump hats.  And that's sort of the big hangup in his piece.  Because, you see, the Catholic Church condemns the racism and slavery and bigotry that defines America's history.  And apparently Trump means those things. And apparently the students who wore Trump hats in some way exemplified these things.  Even if what they were accused of was false.   They had those hats.

He naturally assumes much about the students because of those hats, their belief in Jesus being of no real matter in the piece.  He also seems to have little to say about anyone else, but I guess that's fair.  The black racists and the Indians trying to break up the Mass and getting in the teenagers' faces aren't under his jurisdiction.

File this under 'with friends like this...'.  Thanks dad.  Way to throw your spiritual children under the bus in order to appease the forces aligned against the Faith and the Faithful.  Hopefully they'll still keep giving to the Bishops' Annual Appeal.  Because I have a feeling those seeking to destroy the students won't be giving a damn thing.

They must hope we think one white kid is the same as another

As the Left continues to try to destroy the lives of teenagers, the Daily Mail picks up and runs with this 'but a white boy said something about rape to a woman (who we know nothing about) and it was rude' story.  And he was white.  And the Covington kids (most of whom are white, but the darker skinned ones don't matter in this case) were nearby.  And the boy had clothes with a giant 'B' on them, so he must cheer for the Bovington Bolonels!  By golly, that's all we need.  If one is wrong, that makes him evil, and all white skins who have not bowed before the altar to the Political Left evil as well.  To the camps they go!

Again, evil.  Wickedness.  This is what leads to all those sorry episodes that we study about in history.  Ever wonder how people could be party to such horrors that make their way into the history books?  You need only look to see where things are in our society, among our elite institutions, and with full backing from not a few who call on the name of Jesus.

Evil is always with us, in every group, in every region, everywhere, in all of us to a degree. It's sinful man in a fallen world.  But the difference is when the powers of darkness coalesce and begin working as a singular movement toward a singular shadowy end.  That's when it ceases to become some backwater stat in a paragraph about life in A______, and becomes the topic of the entire chapter.  We are now seeing the groundwork laid for the chapters of future history books.

Washington Post attempts to salvage some dignity from Covington and fails

That's because it just can't break the Leftist narrative that white, European and American heterosexual Christian men are the manifestation of irremediable evil and the single and sole cause of human suffering in the world.  Everyone else being so perfect they don't need Jesus.

While making a few nods to some overreaction on someone's part, and admitting things are a little sketchy, what with Native Americans maybe not all being gods and blacks hurling homophobic remarks, much of it still comes back to these teenagers not acting 100% perfect and pure and adult and mature and untarnished and flawless.  At least it wraps up with bringing the adults into it and saying since kids, then maybe the adults?  Or how about the adults banging drums in kids' faces and calling them racist names?

No fundamentalist in a tent revival was ever more merciless or judgmental than the Left today.  No kid was ever put to such a brutal test, or told whatever misery they got from being white conservatives who believe in Jesus they at least partially deserve because they have white skin and believe in Jesus and don't bow before the political Left.

This is the dawning of the age of persecution, or Orwellian oppression and suppression of free thinking and liberty.  Note that virtually nobody on the Left is doing anything other than variations on 'well, someone maybe got some things wrong, but!....', followed by why these kids were evil for not bowing before the Leftist god, or opposing mass slaughter for better sex and feminine power, or for having white skin. Or perhaps now the parents.  Otherwise, none.

This is called moving the ball 90 yards forward, and then backing up 5 yards when push comes to shove.  We're still 85 yards removed from a time where we didn't think teenagers would be held up to public derision, assaulted, threatened, attacked, mocked, and have their lives derailed because of their faith in Jesus, the sanctity of life, their opposition to a political party and their skin color.  Thank you New Prolife Catholics!

And yet here we are.  Nobody who is apologizing, even among the better apologizes, such as this one at The Atlantic, goes there.  The Atlantic does admit, on journalistic principles, the epic fail of what we witnessed.  But it stops short of the obvious: that this is purposeful.  This is moving the ball.  And move the ball it has.  The ball is 85 yards closer to an Orwellian tyranny in the best Soviet image, right here in the old USA.  It now has moved past needing to apologize for accusing and hating based on skin color, religion or political positions. 

All we're having is a polite discussion about whether or not the media blah, blah, blah, or Twitter over yon and thither, or adults should have yakety yack, or whatever.  The most obvious evil, the great threat of our age, is still on the table and being hedged about even as we speak.

Imagine what it will be a year from now.  Right now, the press trying to validate destroying the Covington kids based on finding anyone with white skin who might be guilty of something somewhere.  That fact alone should make it clear enough.

Good news for Covington from the real world of college life

So my oldest is now majoring in political science, with eyes cast toward going for a PhD and being a professor and adviser.   Since being diagnosed with a near fatal fish allergy last year, he decided to leave the path from his much beloved culinary life.  Instead, he'll go for his other hobby - politics. To that end, three of his classes this semester are centered around politics and similar subjects.  In them, the Covington fiasco has come up in each one for two days now.

The good news?  Despite the classes being around 2 to 1 liberal, every single student has sided with the kids from Covington.  To a person, they agree the story was blown out of proportion, that it was based on falsehoods and lies, and that what is happening to the students is entirely inappropriate, if not outright evil.  The attempt to catalog attacks under 'if we find one white skin doing wrong it proves they're all scum' tactics weren't even worth discussing. 

Of course as I discussed it with my boys, we concluded it might not all be pure sympathy on their parts.  It could be simple common sense.  There but by the wrath and fury of the Left go I.  Seeing the foaming at the mouth hatred, the calls for violence, the yearning for bloodshed, the loathing of these students based on the latest designated demographic distinction, the hope that the teens be ruined in life - the Covington kids are not too far from the age of my son's classmates. And they know that could be them next time.   A lesson to us all.

Notre Dame University goes all Covington on Columbus

As more information comes out about Nathan Phillips, who of late attempted to crash a Mass with drums a'beating, Notre Dame does its best Wormtongue impersonation and promises to celebrate stone age bloodshed and renounce all failed Christians of the past.  What a hot mess.  What embarrassment.  Thank goodness it's not a Catholic school!

Sigh.  But that is the way of things.  History is not about the heroes.  It's about those who finally stand up to the evils allowed by those such as the cowardly Catholics of Covington and Notre Dame.  Ones who easily and proudly embrace all the evil, hate, racism and whatever will keep getting them praise and adoration from the peanut gallery and the best parties with T&A. 

It happens.  It always has.  Throughout history, the actual forces of evil and hell have been relatively few.  Unfortunately, those who recognize them as such as typically few as well and, as often as not, relegated to the margins of society since the Beast and the Dragon are always the ones holding the ears and eyes of the masses.  And it's those masses, getting on with life, just trying to get by, who end up making the legions fighting for the next darkness.

Remember, in 1931 the overwhelming number of Germans were not Nazis.  Fifteen year later tens of millions were dead, exterminated in gas chambers or killed in battle, and Germany was bombed into ruins and split with half of its people enduring the terror of Soviet domination.  And this is why. 

Most people, God bless them, are unaware of such things.  Believe it or not, most are just waking up, going to work, paying bills, watching the game, and going to bed (after brushing their teeth).  But then, that's what they were doing in Germany in 1931 as well.  It's those who through cowardliness or intellectual fearfulness jump on board and help the powers of darkness who are in many ways history's true villains.  The villains are always there.  The baddies.  You'll always have criminals on the small and grand scales.  But it's their enablers who are doubly damned for their part in it.

Right now, the Catholic leadership has embraced racism, attacked teenagers, joined with a lynch mob meant to destroy opponents of the Political Left.  And now more Catholic leaders join other Christians in handing the faith's cloud of witnesses over to the pagan and the heathen for their memories to be burned alive, all while tacitly approving of whatever evils any other civilization ever committed simply by virtue of their skin color, national origins, religion and ethnicity. 

Well done.  Just once it would be nice to see the Church get ahead of the game and actually stand firm against the rising darkness, instead of waiting until the body count has mounted and everyone and their uncle is now resisting for the sake of the free peoples of the world.  Just once.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The Root is a bad joke

So I heard rumors that some press outlets were ginning up the anti-Covington stories in light of overwhelming evidence that the initial story was a boldface lie.  Well, this doesn't count.  This is news the way a pamphlet at a KKK rally would be news.  It's a laughable hit piece by someone either too stupid, too lazy, too bigoted or a combination to do any homework at all. Given the narrative that ignores a pile of evidence - including the referenced videos - I'm going more toward bigoted, but I could be wrong.

Be careful.  The news media is far from credible in this day and age.  But it still isn't this sort of bilge, the same type one would have expected in the back alleys of Austria in the days following WWI.  It would take a special sort of head-up-a-donkey's-butt stupid to take something like the linked to story seriously.

The press tries to dig up dirt on Covington

While radical Leftists fantasize and hope for physical violence or even death aimed at the white skins of Covington Catholic, and the school's own leadership remains noticeably silent, most of the media has done its first round of back-off.

Now when this happens, when the press makes one of its many mistakes that are almost always aimed at making non-progressives look bad, there will usually be two reactions.  One, the press will mention it - very briefly - and then drop the story like a hot potato.

Or it will mention the error, but continue to hope that somewhere, somehow they can find something to validate the initial story.  In this case, digging through the history of Covington High School in the hopes of finding anything that might validate the charge to destroy the lives of its teenage students.

The best they've come up with?  Apparently a few years back, students were seen in blackface yelling at a black basketball player.  Racism!  Until, of course, we found out it was a 'blackout' night (that's become a trend in sports where fans dress either in all white or all black to make the stands a bit bewildering for the other team).  And the black student being yelled at?  He was just one of many on the other team being yelled at, with no apparent examples of anything racist.

Really.  This is it.  People my age remember growing up in the 70s, in the age of Norman Lear.  It wasn't hard to see where those old sitcoms leaned on the political spectrum.  A favorite foil back then for those shows, and comedians, and the press, were the stereotypical old busy body fundamentalists spinning records backwards or looking like John Lithgow trying to ban dancing from the planet.

Well guess what.  We owe those old caricatures an apology, because nothing the liberals back then could imagine is as stupid as what the Left of today firmly embraces.  They are literally willing to take seriously the thought that kids at a blackout might have been doing blackface, and all because they're white and supposed to be racist due to skin color.  And the worst part?  A graduate of a girl's school that blast's Covington's culture of masculinity chimes in to say 'it's never appropriate to do blackface'.  Really?  Blackface at a blackout? Never? Those toxic male types. 

Again, our apologies to the old fundamentalist caricatures of old.  You were never this stupid.

Hemant Mehta condemns Nick Sandmann for smiling too long

YepHere.  I'll say no more on that, since it's too stupid to address.  I will add prayers for young Nick, who has bravely stood his ground against a Leftist Communist assault poised against him and with no support from the Catholic Church, most Republicans or most Conservatives (who at this point have apologized for getting it initially wrong and have happily moved on).  He has threatened the Left and exposed its evil designs, its evil means, and its evil ends, and now there are hopes that he pay the price, or be brutally assaulted.  His family and he and the other students and children at Covington need our prayers and support (some #StandwithCovington maybe? - I'm not a twitter type).  Not just protection from idiocy like that spewed by the always silly Mr. Mehta, but by those who are making it clear this is the country they want, and the country we will pass onto our children:  Conform 100% to each's days malleable standards or it's to the ghettos or the gulags you will go.  

Best summary of the Left's America

Yep.  More than any cooked up reasons, it's because they are opponents of the Communist Left.  Allies of the Left, such as Muslims, the LGBTQ movement, or anyone willing to join the lynch mobs, are convenient tools for the moment.  Though with the Muslims, you wonder how the long term will end up and who will eventually get the USA.  Nonetheless, the Left has cultivated martyrdom by proxy as a virtue, and if future generations pay the price?  Eh.

But Kavanaugh, and now Covington, are merely opponents of the Left, and therefore must be destroyed.  Exploiting racism and bigotry and discrimination are merely means to an end.  That so many Americans fall in line - including Christians (good job Covington Catholics!) - should come as no surprise.  Whenever a new evil rises, there will always be those, Christian and otherwise, eager to get in line and buy tickets.

Perhaps the Covington disgrace is the tipping point, as we're watching actual students - children, who normally wouldn't be named even if they committed an egregious crime - dragged through the mud, assaulted, threatened and called upon to be forever punished.  A nation capable of this is capable of this.  And those cheering on the worst aimed at the Covington teens had best watch out.  Eventually the aliens always eat those humans who were quick to hand their fellow humans over to the dinner table. Just ask all of those supporters of Joe Stalin who wound up dead.

America is already 1/3 Soviet

I meant to post something on this a while ago, before the shame of Covington.  I was talking to some individuals at our church, and they were going over what life is like in the world outside of American Talking Points. You know, what being a Christian in the Middle East is really like, or what growing up in the former Soviet Union was all about.  Now I've known many from around the world over the years, having met no small number in my ministry days due to working with international missionaries.  Some of this was old hat to me.

Nonetheless, I was taken when a fellow from Hungary said, in no uncertain terms, that we're closer than we think.  Reflecting on life in the USSR, and what the older generations said happened in those fateful days of the Communist Revolution and subsequent years, and comparing it to now, it's safe to say we're about 33% (my number) Soviet at this point.  The work of those old Soviet agents sliding their way into our colleges and youth hang outs generations ago are finally bearing fruit.

What are some of the things that make it seem this way to them?  Taught to despise our heritage.  As a rule, apparently, unless the Soviets could exploit something from Tsarist Russia, Soviets were taught contempt for everything that came before the Communists.  Sound familiar?  See Notre Dame's latest move aimed at the old genocidal racist scoundrel Christopher Columbus and the horrorsr of Christian civilization. That's one in a thirty year line of examples.

Another?  An eradication of almost everything believed to be right or wrong, good or bad.  No matter how loony.  If the Soviets found out people believed squares were not round, then round they were. And you had best conform.  Swift retribution against those who questioned or resisted what the state taught.

Consider our children taught the unrivaled evils of America's past, the heritage of nothing but evil, racism and genocide.  See statues toppled and presidents' names eradicated from public buildings.  See Global Warming savable only by liberal politics.  See no gender or inherent connection between sex and procreation.  Things that are common sense, or at least worthy of debate.  Try debating today?  Loss of job, punishment at school, ostracizing or death threats.   Many of these being fully sanctioned by society, our politicians, even our churches.

Another thing?  Group identity.  Not unique to the Soviets, but exploited to the max.  There were no individuals.  Individualism apparently was discouraged.  All were part of the greater state, only some were more part of it than others.  Entire groups were separated and set off against each other.  There always had to be a bourgeoisie for the proletariat to rise up against. And people who were not useful or were problematic?  They were eliminated.  Not just in Siberia or with a shot to the head.  But their very existence was erased.  They were ignored.   You didn't mention them.  They were un-people.

Much like people who don't fall into carefully constructed narratives embraced by our schools, popular culture and press.  Blacks who support Trump, anti-abortion women who want to stay home with the kids, liberals who question gay marriage rights or abortion, Hispanics who oppose illegal immigration, Jewish people who support Israel - the list goes on and on!  And what do we do with them?  Not a damn thing.  They don't exist in most cases, and if you bring them up in a debate, you get a swift kick and a reminder they don't matter, if they exist at all.

No, with the Covington scandal, we can see how far we've come to what Americans once feared, but are now embracing.  The Left, the Communist movement in our country, is getting its way.  Most, of course, are not Communists or even Leftists.  They're the ones either not willing to stand up, or willing to join with whatever powers and principalities happen to be calling the shots.  They are Saruman.  They go with the winds to appease the powers of the East.  Others, of course, are like those Germans living in their quaint villages in 1933, vaguely aware of the news, having no idea that in ten years tens of millions would be dead and their country ruined, with most of them having suffered terrible loss.

But then, more than one from the Soviet Union said the same thing.  The speed was what stunned them.  In hindsight, those living in Russia in 1910 had no reason to believe 1930 or 1950 wouldn't look much different than even 1905.  And yet within a generation, 90% of everything they believed, valued or thought had been destroyed, and those who failed to conform were eliminated one way or another, along with everything and everyone they knew.

As cowardly Christians stand by and throw the Covington kids under the bus in the name of new racism and bigotry, and as Leftists hunker down, spewing hatred and proudly proclaiming their hope that those kids suffer or are beaten because of their religion, skin color and opposition to the Communist Left, and as we see our politicians, religious leaders, media outlets and celebrities at best have a polite discussion, or at worst join in the lynching, I think it's safe to say we're at least 1/3 there.  Though in hindsight, in another ten years, we may look back and realize it was closer to 1/2.

Exhibit A

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

God protect the students of Covington Catholic High School from cowardly Christians and Conservatives

The Left is the enemy of God, Christ and Christ's faithful.  That much is known.  It also seeks to burn America to the ground along with the heritage of the Christian West.  It's almost flagrant in its desire to pronounce it from the rooftops.  Continuing to believe otherwise is the same as Jews in 1930's Germany insisting things will turn around soon.

And yes, I've often said the liberals of today are the big problem.  They are so obsessed with the tired old narrative that progress is always awesome, and only conservatives who resist change are the true enemies of enlightenment, that they can't see the obvious monstrosity emerging from their own chest cavity.

But if you think on it, this racist based assault against the opponents of the Left has received much of its backing, not from Quisling Christians who have renounced the historical faith and bowed before the altar of the Left, but from those who ostensibly say they are opposed to the manifold blasphemes, heresies, debaucheries, tyranny and mass slaughter for our libidos that characterizes this emergent force of evil in our time.

It was self-proclaimed conservatives, faithful Catholics, Catholic leaders and clergy who jumped on these students at the March for Life with nothing but a clip and media outrage to guide them: Students who were condemned and assumed guilty because of their skin color, their opposition to the Left, and their stance on abortion.  Students who were condemned because we assume the word of a non-white is law simply because of his ethnicity and the accused's ethnicity.  Now the press and others are sifting through anything in the school's past to justify their condemnation, Indians are protesting the school and students are receiving death threats.

The most we're getting from the bold resistance?  Variations on 'we might have overreacted, but those kids were still pretty bad.'  How they're bad, nobody can say, since no evidence has been provided beyond the fact that the students in question support MAGA and have white skin. 

As far as reacting in the way the kids are accused of?  By all accounts now, at least someone among the Indian protesters was telling the students to go back from where they came.  Personally, I came from Marion, Ohio.  If someone tells me that due to my skin color I should be deported to a place I've never lived, expect my reaction at best to be one of snarky bewilderment.  That it is not seen as a problem by such so called opponents of the sins of the age also speaks volumes.

From the wrath of the Left, the duplicity of Quisling Christians, and the Wormtongue Catholics and Pro-Lifers who lack all conviction and cower before the evils of today, God protect the faithful.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Teenager attacked by Christians, Conservatives and the March for Life because he is white

Yep.  By now you've seen.  A bunch of vile Trump supporters with white skin assailed a group of peace loving Native Americans and mocked them because that's what people with white skin who haven't been cleansed by the saving blood of the Political Left do.

Except that's not how it happened.  The Native American in question is now giving a different take.  Initially he said he was approached, now he's saying he approached the group to diffuse the situation since nearby Black protesters were taunting and mocking the students (memo: can we look into the Blacks mocking the marchers?).  Now, why he thought getting up into the faces of the students while beating a drum would diffuse anything might be a Native American thing, but even taking that, I have yet to see or hear what these students were accused of.

The poor boy at the center of the storm did nothing at all but stand there and smile (passive resistance anyone?).  And yet, conservatives (always quick to lick up the spittle of the Left in order to curry favor), the Catholic Church and the March for Life were all quick to condemn.  He is a political enemy of the Left, he has white skin - do we need to know anything else?

Even now, the school is hunkering down and telling the press as of today (days after the event), that it's willing to consider expulsion; destroy the lives of the kids: the Left says so.  Meanwhile the Archbishop and the March for Life immediately denounced the white skin teens as the racists they are.  In fairness, the March for Life site I saw has pulled the post (though an apology would be better).

By now we know it didn't happen as initially reported.  Add this to the growing list in the last couple weeks of false news stories and lies promoted by the press in order to attack the Left's opponents and foment new forms of racism, bigotry, prejudice and discrimination.  That so many who call themselves pro-life, much less Christian, are so quick to fall in line behind this evil and oppression just reminds you why we've seen the sad events of history that blemish the Faith's witness.

God protect the teenager who was born with white skin, and dares to offend the Political Left.  God have mercy on those who will take down the swastikas and replace them with whatever symbol of hate and evil that will keep them in the good graces of the beautiful people who get invited to all the best parties.  And of course, God protect us from the day's evils, and keep us from being swept up in them.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Prayers for the March for Life

If you missed it, you can be forgiven.  Especially if you're foolish enough to get your understanding of the world from the United States press.  Nonetheless, some outlets have bothered to mention that both Vice President Pence and President Trump addressed the March.

Good for them.  The only hope that Christians who bow before the Leftist altar can have is that Pence and Trump are just putting on an act, and since they haven't personally ended abortion and overturned Roe v. Wade, it proves the logical step is to support the party dedicated to broadening abortion, suicide and even euthanasia rights around the world.  That's like saying since FDR didn't do enough to protect Jews, we're with Hitler all the way.  The New Prolife Christian in action.

The press has had its hands full, in fairness. The Anti-Male Women's March has run into problems because some, especially African American leaders of the march, have refused to renounce and part company with the anti-Semitic and racist Nation of Islam's Louis Farrakhan.  This has led to some polite and respectful discussions about when it's appropriate to support someone who hates Jews and wants them gone.  But it's also been yet one more wrecking ball in the Left's carefully contrived narrative of only European and American Christians with white skin and penises being the source of all evil in the world.

So as the forces of racism, bigotry, slaughter and oppression suffer setbacks, pray for those who marched in defense of Life's most helpless demographic.  Pray that the Left doesn't pollute it with politics.  Pray that the defenseless be protected, as will those went out to make a statement for life.  And pray for those who serve the powers of darkness and death, that their souls may be reached and their hearts changed to the Father of Life, and away from the Father of Lies.

A wonderful rebuke to Gillette's anti-Male advertisement


Yep.  That men don't dare say Boo to women, while we can accept that men are neanderthal rapist deplorables by virtue of being male, shows the power of feminism and how low men will grovel in mud to get some.  What was once an unfairly false stereotype of radical feminism has now become mainstream American thought.

Let's face it, when was the last time you saw anyone say anything negate about 'women' in general and live?  We're going to owe an apology to those previous generations we love to trash who wouldn't have been this stupid in their worst of days.  Meanwhile, let's see if the market does it's work on Gillette. 

Bonus for recognizing that the anti-Male #MeToo movement is speaking about black men the way black men were always spoken about.  It's just that it's due to them being men, rather than black.  Wonder how that will go when black men realize that little fact.

In another post, John C. Wright eviscerates not only Gillette's sexist display of arse kissing, but also dares to point out the obvious about why we're in the mess we're in in the first place.

You keep thinking people are going to stand up and say Enough!. And yet it continues to decline into more madness on a daily basis. 

Friday, January 18, 2019

The Left's ideological gang rape of Karen Pence

Fresh off hating Mike Pence for never being alone with women other than his wife, the Left has found cause to despise his wife as much as him.  Why?  What has she done done to deserve this honor?  She has taken a job in a Christian school that teaches Christian values.  Remember, the Left hates Christianity.  Hates it.  It sees Christianity the way decent people see Nazis or child murderers.  It wants the whole thing gone, dead, finished.  It will tolerate those Christians willing to apostatize themselves when confronted with the latest Leftist demands, but only until the next demand arises and the Christian will no longer abandon or compromise her values.  Those Christians, such as the New Prolife Christians, who follow the Left will have a rude awakening, unless they're prepared to go the full distance and completely convert to the dogmas of the Left by abandoning the Christian Faith once and for all. 

Saturday, January 12, 2019

My answer to Rebecca Hamilton

No.  I will not vote for lies, race hatred, and fear.  Which is why I'll never vote Democrat.  It always amazes me when the side that consistently screams 'we're all going to die!' if the other side accomplishes anything can ever accuse anyone else of stoking fear.  Race?  I'm against racism, including the idea that you can always know someone is an evil racist by their white skin color.  Lies?  That's hardly confined to one party or politician.  Furthermore, I'll not support the party that demands I have a lobotomy and embrace outright moronic idiocy and stupidity in order to support its continued failures and hypocrisy.

Finally, I will not support the modern Left, a hodgepodge of lazy Marxism, Communist wannabeism, Bolshevism, and pining to take on a form of Leninism and Stalinism as it almost proudly declares an end to the right to not be a Leftist.  Literally.  What is her piece but one giant 'we don't care if he's guilty, we hate him and want him gone'?  Why wait to find out if Trump did anything wrong, just send him to the gulags!  We saw the same with the Brett Kavanaugh debacle.  It wasn't people who were stupid enough (or liars enough) who insisted that the joke of a case had any merit.  It was those who said they didn't care if he was innocent or guilty.  Because he was a threat to people that matter, that was enough to destroy him.  They were the ones sounding the alarms and warning bells that freedom in America will be a thing of the past if they have their way.  It will be a new day where the Left can simply destroy your life, reputation, career, or family - because. 

Friday, January 11, 2019

Good for Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard

A Democrat, she has called out the flagrant, naked anti-Christian bigotry that Democrats have displayed of late.  It's not just the obvious anti-Catholic bigotry we recently saw, as two Senators essentially said membership in the Knights of Columbus should be a disqualifier for government jobs. We saw it when Bernie Sanders said that believers in the historical Christian Faith should not hold high office (and Muslims rights group CAIR cheered him on).  It's the stuff of Nazis telling Jews they can't be real citizens.  It's the old Jim Crow telling Blacks to use a different drinking fountain.  And it goes to show that 21st Century America is what McCarthyism looks like when the press is on McCarthy's side.  That's why you've heard little to no manufactured outrage over these assaults on the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Christian Faith as a whole.

Good for her. May more Democrats fight the Soviet. 

It's worth noting, however, that the worst of Democratic Bolsheviks are hunkering down, declaring a war on Christians and all who won't apostatize and convert to the Political Left.  Be warned.  Support Ms. Gabbard. Resist the Alt-Left.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Jeremy Kappell and life in the American Soviet

Jeremy Kappell, a meteorologist, has learned about life in the Left's dream of an American Soviet state.  He's been fired because he's white.  Plain and simple.  Ostensibly he substituted the word 'coon' for 'King' when saying MLK's name in a newscast.  But he was fired because he is  white.  That is, it was assume he meant it because he's white, it was interpreted as deliberate because he's white.

Think on it.  Why else would anyone assume the worst in this case?  If he was Black or Muslim, would we assume racism and move to terminate without question?  Nope.  He's white.  Thus the Social Media Inquisition was convened, local politicians demanded the appropriate lynching, and he was fired because he was white.

If you're against racism, you're against this.  If you don't want to see a rise in white supremacy, you're against this.  If you have a modicum of decency or - ironically - if you value the teachings of Martin Luther King, Jr., you're against this.

If, however, you are a member of the emergent Left, this might be just what you crave.  And if you support this racism, there's no reason to think that a hundred years ago in the South, or eighty years ago in Germany, you wouldn't have supported the bigotry and racism that was all the rage back then.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez video shows Conservatives can be stupid

As evidenced by some conservative somewhere who thought they had a smoking gun for discrediting Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez by digging up a video of her - Gasp! - dancing! Oh, the humanity, the horror, the absolute head-up-a-donkey's-butt idiocy that would think this makes her look anything other than, well, charming.  It certainly makes her charming compared to some of what conservatives have had to swallow when it comes to resurfaced videos of President Trump.

The clip is from when she was in college.  I watched with the sound off, so perhaps it has her spouting endless vulgarities and anti-American insults.  But given what I'm seeing, both from press and even conservative outlets, it's nothing more than an exuberant, fun-loving college girl dancing.   Yeah, let's look like the conservative stereotypes in Footloose why don't we. 

There are many, many, many things to criticize Ms. Ocasio-Cortez over.  There is certain cause to criticize the press's love affair with her based on her socialist credentials and the Left's embrace of Group Identity politics.  But this video is nowhere close to one of them.  In fact, it makes the conservatives who thought this would be the coup de grace look all the more stupid because of it. 

Let's face it, conservatives are bad at this.  For reasons I don't know, perhaps because the culture in general is against them rather than at their back, whenever conservatives try this sort of thing, it always backfires.  Perhaps it's time for conservatives to step up and show the country that we need mature adults having mature discussions about important issues, and leave the childish, talk show level punditry to the Left.  Goodness knows, they're better at it than conservatives ever were.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Black coaches in the American Soviet

There's a story about the Soviet Union.  A man works in a hotel that happens to have a phenomenal wine cellar.  One day, a Soviet administrator is made aware of the high quality of the wines in the cellar.  He promptly orders the labels removed from all of the bottles, lest ideas of unequal quality spill into the Soviet's promise of a singular, flat across the board society.  All must be the same.  Nobody or nothing can be better than anything else.

It's fiction, but written by an author, who is a student of the grand Soviet, aiming to warn us Americans about what's coming our way.  I thought of this as I read the inevitable about five Black coaches being fired from the NFL.

I can't help you when it comes to all of the coaches who were fired, or how they stack up to other coaches that weren't fired. All I know is that two of them - the Cleveland and Cincinnati coaches - were lucky to have lasted this long.  In fact, the Cincinnati coach was almost a travesty, failing to take the Bengals into even one first round playoff in all of the years he coached.  That's practically unheard of. We've already discussed Cleveland's decision to fire a coach who seemed personally committed to delivering as many losing games as possible.

Again, I can't account for all of the coaches, but those two - in any rational, non-Soviet society - would have been fired, probably before now.  It has nothing to do with anything but the job they did, which were failures.  It happens.  When my 18 year old tried for the big time with a major adult, full time job literally within a week after he turned 18, I told him it would be tough.  This is real stuff, safety regulations, federal inspections - the works.  When he made a mistake and damaged some goods, he was fired no questions asked.  He was in the trial period, and they have broad discretion when it comes to terminating employees (from which it gets its reputation of having almost a 90% turnover rate).  I consoled him, but I told him that's the way it works.  You make mistakes, you have to pay the piper.  Welcome to the world.

These coaches made the only mistake that matters in sports - they lost, and lost repeatedly, embarrassingly, and disastrously.  And they were fired.  Whether that means a 823.382384% drop in the proper proportion of a given demographic is beside the point, or should be for a nation not wanting to go the way of Cold War Moscow.

Note, BTW, that the article emphasizes the problem by pointing out 70% of players in the NFL are African American.  Think on that.  It doesn't seem to care that so many Blacks, or so few Whites, are players.  In fact, when that is brought up, we're told to shut up, it's not the NFL's fault that Blacks are better at football than Whites.  And yet suddenly, within the same article - within a few words - quality or performance mean nothing at all when it comes to the coaches, and it's all about the race.

You can't beat the Left for that reason if for no other.  Something that stands on nothing - no truth, morals, values, ethics, consistency, common anything - but says whatever, even two things that contradict each other within the same breath, in order to nudge us one step closer to an extra 'S' in our country's name, just can't be beaten. And so far, its successes suggests it won't be anytime soon.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Goodbye Mark Shea and hello Sheavings

No other observation describes Mark Shea better
So it's a new year.  The blogging will henceforth be light.  I've explained why elsewhere.  Not that I won't blog.  When something really wonderful, or patently horrible, occurs - like the clear and obvious racism in America today fully endorsed by our progressive state and not a few St. Saruman Christians - I'll make mention.  Otherwise, I have other things to do.

One of those things is to go back to the page called Sheavings, and read over some old articles that were crucial to our becoming Catholic.  I know. I'm not Catholic. No, I'm not.  Someday I might go into detail about how that happened, and how Mark Shea became one of two people who symbolize why we left the Catholic Church.

Yes, it's true.  As much as Mark ushered us in, he was also a reason we left.  Not for why you're thinking.  I admit that I was probably treated worse by Mark and his readers than by anyone else ever in my life.  Given the deplorable level of sin, idiocy, and infantile raging that characterizes his social media sites, I'm sure I'm not the only one to make the claim.

That's why I am no longer going to his social media sites, anymore than I would some white supremacist, or ISIS, or other hate group's sites.  For what is Mark other than some half-baked cult figure of hate and sin, spewing lies and slander in service of heresy, blasphemy, and defending, advocating or downplaying intrinsic evils and mortal sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance?  How is he different than any such cult member? The only difference is that his followers are not cultists themselves, but see in Mark a useful fool and liar who does their dirty work in service to their lust for a Leftist tyranny of oppression, bigotry and the persecution of Christ's people.

But that's not why I left.  I could simply have stopped going there.  I wouldn't leave a faith tradition over something that stupid.  But he does symbolize something that explains why we - except my oldest son - are now Orthodox.

Now, the reasons for Mark's fall into the dark side are beyond my scope.  Whether some bi-polar passive aggression, or an emotional or physiological imbalance is anyone's guess.  Whether he lacks conviction and must believe he is always perfectly in line with God and everyone in his group is perfect, or whether like Saruman, he can see where the winds are blowing and lacks the courage to stand up to them, I can't say.  All I know is what happened.

One of Mark's sources, linked from Reddit; a standard lame Leftist image
illustrating the Left's own bigotries and intolerance and how far Mark has fallen
As I had said a few weeks ago, when he lifted his ban on everyone (not sure why, perhaps because it was becoming too loud of a joke that the fastest growing denomination in America is 'banned by Mark Shea'), I committed my Advent penance to visiting his blog every day and commenting at least on one post a day.  I had planned on leaving graciously and posting a final farewell letter to Mark on the 31st.  That came to an end when Mark published a slanderous post defending George Soros by preemptively accusing Soros's detractors of racism and anti-Semitism.  I merely copied and pasted an old post of Mark's blasting Soros for supporting the murder of babies.  Unable to delete the post before others saw and commented, Mark banned me outright for posting one of his own posts.

Imagine saying, "You insist Jews must be exterminated, and I'll never change your mind.  But let's you and me get together and go after that rotten FDR."  That's about what Mark has told his own readers when it comes to his aligning with them, no matter what they advocate, in order to destroy non-conformers to the modern Left.  Again, heresy, blasphemy, mortal sin, and in a way more aligned to a cult leader than an apologist.  That's why I won't go back. I've informed those who send me emails or links or screenshots of the sin and madness of Mark that I'll certainly respond to them, but I'll no longer post on him or follow any links there.  His sites are altogether unclean.

But there is Sheavings.  One thing I noticed was that every now and then, Mark would post some pleasant article talking about the Faith, the Bible, and not even bring up the eternal evils of conservatives and conservatism.  Then I realized something.  Those were often old, recycled articles from years gone by.  It was those that I read with my wife all those years ago as we secretly looked at becoming Catholic.

True, Mark was never a pro theologian or scholar, but that's OK.  He had an easy way, a wink and a nod, and a good way of explaining misconceptions about Catholicism that any and all Protestant readers would understand.  Back then, most of his attention was aimed at Protestants who missed the facts about Catholicism, while also informing Catholics about what Protestants can bring to a table.  That and defending Christian morals and heritage against obvious enemies.

I've decided to go back there and read.  At least things written before around 2008.  It was sometime between then and 2010 that the demons began swarming.  I don't know if the bat crazy monkey zoo of his spilled onto his articles in later years.  But why chance it?  Instead, I'll go back and read what was edifying and pray for his soul in the meantime.

It's not all there, alas.  Just as it looks like he pulled his post about Soros (I could be wrong, but I've not found it since I pasted it), he's pulled some of his old articles.  For instance, he had a rousing post-9/11 defense of America against the obvious threats of an aggressive, and growing Islamic movement titled Why We Must Fight:

The title is obviously a little nod to Frank Capra's series of films produced during WWII titled Why We Fight.  In it, he laid out a very strong case for why action - including military - was needed to stop this clear threat, if not for us, then for our posterity.  I've not been able to find it anywhere.  The link goes to a generic page.  Also he had another one (can't remember the title) in which he made clear the distinction between a Christian analysis of the sins of America's past, and an ungodly and sinful use of past sins for dark and evil purposes more in line with Orwellian styled Stalinism. Again, can't find it anywhere.

Nonetheless, deleted articles aside, that's the plan.  I do pray for Mark, he needs it.  Like anyone awash in sin, you pray for him.  He's beyond reason at this point (see Sowell's tweet above), but with God all things are possible.  In doing this, I'll remember some of his better points, and some of those things which did tweak our thinking and make it easier to come into the Church, even if it ended by setting up our departure.  I'll also remember that there was a time before Mark became the thing he is today: a useful tool not only of Leftists who hate and desire an end to the Faith, but also I fear of the principalities and powers, the rulers of this present darkness, and the spirits of wickedness in the high places that he thinks he is so passionately fighting against.