
Wednesday, October 17, 2018

And now the long awaited pictures from last weekend!

They start with our excursion down to the increasingly unrecognizable Ohio State University main campus.  The following weekend, with our dog in a happy dog place and my Mom with my sister, we took the first day through 18th century reenactments and Amish country, followed by a massive Amish style meal (right before my annual physical!). The next day was the Ohio Renaissance Festival.  It was touch and go with the weather, but the afternoon rain held off until the last hour and a half or so.  By then, we caught everything we wanted.  Didn't do as much this year, since we had to wait a little (from earlier rain) and left early (due to later rain).  Fun is fun, but common sense does necessitate coming in out of the rain.  But it was fun nonetheless, as it always is when the boys all come back together.  Our youngest loves it, and as always with the family, it's the finest times.

Speaking of common sense. What used to be tranquil Mirror Lake until someone died during a recent tradition of getting drunk and diving into two feet of water.  So naturally it was decided that the legendary landmark must go.

FWIW, Mirror Lake as it used to be, one of the most beautiful locations on any university list

At least we could see everything.  The BDBITL finishing the pregame anthem

Our eighteen year old, courtesy of his older brother, bouncing back
from the school of hard knocks - not a bad place to study

On the Erie canal boat ride.  Everyone liked it more than I imagined they would

The horses that pull the canal boat.  Beautiful creatures, and I'm no horse person

Our oldest and youngest, in some ways the closest of the four

As if he had something to hide

It's nice seeing that wide-eyed fascination that can only come from a child

I tried to interpret his facial expression, but couldn't quite pin it down

Our oldest stepping back into time, and looking for peanut butter fudge freshly made

Look at all that Amish Country!  From the terrace near an Amish style chain restaurant
I call McAmish (but most filling and very tasty)

Next day at the Renaissance Festival, our youngest ready to go

Twas a cool, grey, cloudy Fall day - perfect for a Renaissance Festival IMHO

The glass house.  I'm always amazed at how so many, young and old, love to see old craftsmanship,
even in our tech savvy day and age

Our oldest is usually the marksman, but the bullseye belonged to our second oldest this time

His form looks better than the results

Here he tries his hand with a lance (it was heavier than you might think)

Our youngest needed a little help from one of the competing jousters 

Our oldest and youngest again; this could almost be a pic for an album cover

The only one in our family who would (or could) buy an outfit to fit in with the crowds.
It actually could look cool in an everyday gathering. 

Of course he would be the first to ride a warhorse

Never to be outdone by his older brother...

He splurged for an actual sword - his last fling before getting back onto the employment saddle

In the full getup; a little more Spaghetti Western than Fantasy Renaissance perhaps, but he makes it look good (that's what comes from being tall and thin)

It's actual jousting, and people can get hurt 

The Swordsmen!  Bold and Stupid Men!  An anchor for the festival for decades

Yes, they're getting old, and my boys noticed that the two pointed out several times
that they have been doing this for 29 years (could next year, the big 30, be the last?)

Our youngest sporting his own appropriate weaponry from the day, as my wrapped up better half looks on

It took me to get them out of the maze

The sort of thing that melts any Dad's heart; he's why we all still do these things, and he makes it worth every second

The boys, off to find whatever mischief they can find

A fall sky wrapping up a fall weekend on a very fall day

Nosebleed seats can afford certain benefits.  Perhaps symbolic, as one son pointed out

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