
Monday, September 17, 2018

Why the Catholic abuse scandal will likely continue

Because of this:

I no longer visit Patheos or that cesspool of hypocrisy and sin that is CAEI, and the sun shines all the brighter because of it.  But I saw this referenced.  CAEI is a bastion of modern Leftist propaganda, falsehoods, misrepresentations, character assassination, calumny, personal attacks and rank partisanship in defense of political and moral forces diametrically opposed to the Christian Faith.

In its comments section, all manner of mortal sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance and intrinsic evils are openly advocated: late term abortion, assisted suicide, homosexuality, anti-Catholicism, anti-Christianity, blasphemy, Marxism, euthanasia - why the list is endless.  The only coinage required on the ferryman's toll is that you hate traditional Christians, the USA, and all conservatives who still blaspheme the true saving gospel of liberalism.

As long as that sort of thing continues to find acceptance and affirmation among Catholic schools, parishes, clergy, and Catholic ministries, it shows something about the greater culture of Catholicism.  It shows a willingness to turn a blind eye to sin within the ranks since, well, let's raise a beer and celebrate because - Catholic!  And if it is done in this case, it will likely be done in others, up to and including sexual abuse and sexual immorality.

UPDATE:  As if to illustrate my point about the true darkness of CAEI, I was given this:

Yep, that's a reader saying the solution to the scandal is to return to the whole of the Church's teaching.  Mark responds by falsely accusing him and standing firmly on the pro-choice movement's narrative and modern liberal deflection from personal responsibility.  When a paid apologist attacks people for invoking Church teaching to solve a problem in deference to the heresies of a movement based on abortion rights, it's probably time to pull the ripcord. 

Why I wouldn't read anything posted there now if I had to.  Though notice he will continue to be lauded and praised by Catholic clergy, ministries, publications and institutions.  My point.


  1. Oh now surely you're exaggerating Dave--

    *clicks on Mark's blog*

    "It’s weird how much Chomsky sounds like Chesterton sometimes"

    Oh. I stand corrected.

    1. Yeah, that's one of his worst characteristics. Continuing to call himself conservative when he renounces almost anything to do with any era of conservatism and embraces, defends, endorses or excuses almost everything to do with the Left, Socialism, Marxism, and the myriad sins and evils of modern progressives. But then, he's hardly alone in that.

    2. Well, I just got a clip of Mark blasting someone for saying that Church teaching is the key to resolving the abuse crisis. So there you go.

    3. I just went to check on Mark's blog myself. Now I have an inexplicable urge to have a shower.

    4. Yep. I just posted something given me that shows Mark blasting someone for saying we need to get back to the whole of Church teaching. How's that for a paid apologist.

  2. Glad to see you have moved on from "Pathetics". They should rename the Catholic category "Cafeteria is Open". I have been banned from Shea, Alt, Peluzzi. So you and Dave Armstrong were the only reason I had to click on that sewer. They do not represent the thinking of faithful Catholics at all.

    1. Dave's good. I just won't go back there, even for him. Too much evil, too much blasphemy, too much heresy. Not enough time in life to waste on it.

  3. Well he's at least continuing his efforts as a humorist.

    I oppose abortion and always have. Apparently you want me to preach to the choir. That's safe, but not a way to change anybody's mind. Enjoy your Bubble. I'll be out here fighting the good fight--apparently without your help. Thanks for nothing. You are another reason the prolife movement is failing.

    What's funny is I remember a couple of months back, someone on his blog said:

    Try your argument on pro-choicer.

    I bet it will mostly fail.


    And the reason i would bet on that is because i did listen a lot to pro-choicers; it won't put a dent into their philosophy.

    And Mark's stunning reply was...

    I can do without you here. Why not shut up?

    So yeah, not sure he's in any position to scream at someone "enjoy your bubble."

    1. Mark is beyond anything. He's like a 'worst case scenarios greatest hits'.

    2. But he fancies himself a Jeremiah being thrown in a cistern by Conservative Catholics. He is convinced that any attempt to dialogue with him is an attempt to subvert or challenge his prophetic message. He is both a narcissist with delusions of grandeur and a fragile, emotionally incontinent sufferer of low self-esteem who desperately needs to encounter the Living Jesus; not the idea of Jesus, but the Road to Damascus Jesus and the Emmaus Road Jesus who required change of heart rather than change of political affiliations. He desperately needs our prayers.

    3. One of the best assessments I've read. Yes, significant personality issues at best are what drive the madness. In practice, his whole business is pretty simple: slavishly defend the political left at all costs. Stop. Brutally attack through any means, honest or dishonest, truth or error, those who challenge the political left. Stop. But the reasons he has become this are no doubt the kind that will usually disqualify a person from being a respected representative of a given calling. That he isn't marginalized, I fear, only encourages him to go down the road he's been traveling for some time, and that's increasingly call anything he once called good evil, and call anything he once called evil good (or at least ignore or deflect). And yes, prayers are the most we can do at this point.

  4. I wonder if it would do any good to contact the "paraclete center" with some samples of Shea's rantings? I think one of the few things left to do is inform the places that allow him to speak about his current state.

    1. I don't know that Mark has ever sicced people on a bishop or employer. I know he has defended those who have done so, and that's good enough. But I fear, as I said above, his constant affirmations merely encourage him to go down the path he's traveling.


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