
Monday, August 20, 2018

Speaking of the new racism that is all the rage in America

An interesting piece on what looks like an interesting site.  This is the same one that noticed the obvious with Dan Rather's vacant defense for the right kind of racism that will get you invited to all the best parties.

He points out that much of the current dumb being peddled by modernity is able to be done due to a gross lack of historical knowledge:
“Failure to educate young Americans about the whole story of Atlantic slave trade threatens to divide our nation and undermine our civic unity and belief in the historical legitimacy of our democratic institutions. Education in a democracy cannot promote half-truths about history without undermining the ideal of e pluribus unum—one from many—and substituting a divisive emphasis on many from one. The history of the slave trade proves that virtually everyone participated and profited—whites and blacks; Christians, Muslims, and Jews; Europeans, Africans, Americans, and Latin Americans. Once we recognize the shared historical responsibility for the Atlantic slave trade, we can turn our attention to “transforming the future” by eradicating its corrosive legacy.”
Yep.  I would throw Native Americans into the mix as well.  One of the sad ironies of the infamous Trail of Tears is that it was aimed at one of the Indian Nations most bent on assimilating into the new American culture including, but not limited to, the owning of African Slaves.

The limp and ignorant attempts to let other civilizations and cultures and ethnicities off the hook by suggesting evil is purely based on skin color or national origin just goes to show the depths to which some will sink when their aim is to defend grave and mortal sins.  And that includes the current sins which we labor to ignore by keeping our eyes on the sins of the past.

Fact is, the slave trade is still alive and well and living in the world today.  Part of it exists to satisfy our lust for consumerism, as people in sweatshops and worse around the world barely get by on sub-livable wages so that we can all rush out and grab that latest smartphone.  The rest is mostly centered around the multi-billion dollar international sex industry.  Primarily filling the need for prostitution and the ever increasingly mainstream pornography industries, the sex slave alone puts to shame what most slavers in the 18th century ever could have dreamed of.

And that's just slavery.  Even now, with the transhumanism movement, the growth of selective abortion (aborting babies that won't be as awesome as we want), assisted suicide and of course euthanasia, it's not hard to link these to the slave trade, which is euphemistically known as human trafficking, and wonder, "Why in the hell do we think we have the moral high ground to condemn past generations?".

Part of it is a gross lack of education at our fine institutions of learning.  Another is constant indoctrination by popular culture and the press, hellbent on keeping us from knowing the past and being ignorant of the inconvenient present.  Along with that is the desire of the revolutionary movements to keep everyone at each others' throats, by encouraging a post-individual, post-human group identity movement where we hate and condemn entire demographics at a time.

BTW, another handy source of inconvenient history is the always delightful Mike Flynn.  Time and again he brings out those pesky parts of the historical record that don't jive with the latest, hippest PC/MC (that's Politically Correct, Multi-Cultural) narrative.  There is nothing wrong with this of course.  They are not advocating slavery or racism, or excusing the racism, slavery or other sins of our forebears.  They are merely pointing out that the rather selective historical narratives that are being used to advocate the new racism and bigotry are no better than the type that once insisted blond hair, blue eyed Aryans are all that and a bag of chips. And it was just as popular then as the new racism and bigotry is today.  And just as defended, even by religious types.

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