
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

He who lives by the Social Justice Warrior witch hunt

Shall die by the Social Justice Warrior witch hunt.   As we enter into the next phase of puritanical gulags of the Facebook generation, we see people scouring through endless documents, going back years and years, to find something you might have said that is hateful or wrong or stupid or simply offensive to the people who matter.  Character assassination, personal attacks and even job termination are often to follow.

The irony?  Many who are now falling to the latest witch hunt level are themselves progressives who have relished in the modern 'if it ain't liberal enough, it's Hitler' mentality.  Case in point: Trevor Noah. Never one to hide his contempt and loathing for those to the right of the political center, he has been no stranger to offensive comments - as long as they offended the right people. Which is fine.

The problem?  With liberalism's 'here today, gone later today' approach to ethics, you just never know if what you're being told is awesome today will become the unforgivable sin tomorrow.  And given that we are entering that phase where it's not just you sinning now, but you sinning ever, you might want to reconsider jumping on the latest 'cool ethic to be hip by'.  Especially since, as we know, concepts like forgiveness, mercy, reconciliation, humility and unity are anathema to the same movement now looking at your entire life's history for a single infraction over which to destroy you.


  1. Wow, this is crazy. It's like the worse than the worse stereotypes of what liberals said they were trying to rescue us from.

  2. This is going to happen to our favorite leftist "Catholic" apologists at some point as well.

    1. I don't know. If you mean who I think you mean, he's pretty isolated in that little iron fortress of his making. Though it appears we are throwing all rules out the window, so you never know. I wouldn't wish it on him. I'd rather he make good, or at least be removed as a legit voice for the right reasons.

  3. I meant Shea but yes I saw someone dare to disagree on his page this morning and poor he was banished from his page. I don't see him ever making good. All I see is him bringing condemnation on anyone who even slightly supports anything center or on the right

    1. Mark is like Fred Phelps, but without the whimsy. Except I'm not sure that Phelps engaged in some of the more sinful rhetoric of Mark. Hateful though he could be, Phelps didn't seem to lie about people or slander them. He simply spewed hate. Mark spews hate (the hate acceptable to the Left), but frequently adds calumny, personal insults, name calling, personal attacks and then bans anyone who doesn't share his hatred of the Right (unless he personally likes the person)

    2. I just wish someone in the church with authority would say Mark does not speak for the church in any official capacity. Many people think he does unfortunately.

    3. Yes, whether they actually believe it, or it's merely a case of convenience, many declare Mark's words to be Church teaching. What's more, many who visit thank him for unpacking what the Church really teaches - usually in ways compatible with their very un-Catholic, if not un-Christian beliefs.


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