
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Supreme court rules for Crisis Pregnancy Centers

And religious liberty, a precarious thing nowadays.  Slate, in the meantime, has a cow.  California is one of the three Left coast states most eager to resurrect the Soviet Union and plant it amidst those amber waves of grain. 

California is no stranger to what a Leftist tyranny in the States would look like.  It champions punishing all who do charity work apart from the Glorious State.  It has already attempted to pass laws making it illegal to promote ideals at odds with the Political Left.  Just recently, the California Senate is considering a special council to monitor Fake News (despite the fact that there really is no agreed upon example of what is and isn't fake news). 

In this particular case, California tried to make Crisis Pregnancy Centers (that is, religiously funded pro-life pregnancy centers) do what liberals fought like a mad dog to prevent in abortion clinics.  They tried to make them tell everything.  Of course when we've asked that abortion clinics actually show what an unborn baby looks like, the Left screamed foul.  But suddenly, they wanted to make these faith based organizations encourage women to consider choices contrary to the centers' faith doctrines. 

The SCOTUS, thankfully, stepped in and headed off another naked assault on the right to not be liberal.  We'll see how long it lasts.  So far, using the promise of drugs and unlimited sexual pleasures, the Left has created enough apathy and hedonism for up and coming generations to not really care what happens down the road.  Still, you never know.  There might be enough people who start thinking "wait a minute, that could be me down the road' that they'll halt the juggernaut.  We'll have to see.  But for now, well done SCOTUS.  You can get it right once in a while.

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