
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

One flew out of the cuckoo's nest

So a women I don't know about on a BBC show I've never heard of has upset the machine.  Apparently her show pays her male co-host more than her.  Cue the hysterics and crusaders of perpetual outrage.  Unfortunately, she seems content with what she makes.  Furthermore, Ms. Strachan goes on to explain that her host is the real pro from Dover, deserves the extra money, and she's fine with it.

I had to laugh at this part of the story:
The BBC press office said they wouldn't be commenting on Strachan's remarks
As if there's anything to comment about.  She's fine. I'm sure the fellow is OK with it.  What's the problem?

The problem is, this runs afoul of the prime tactics for the modern, Marxist inspired Left.  First, all things traditional are wrong.  Everything ever taught about anything is wrong.  The idea that anyone should get more based on anything like merit is anathema.

Second, she's a woman, he's a man.  All demographics must be in competition and seek conflict with all other demographics.  Everything is about two groups being in conflict.  The original conflict is the proletariat vs. the bourgeoisie.  You can, however, change those to any two groups, including the all important man vs. woman.  There is no harmony.  There is only division and animosity.

But mostly this is wrong because we must be outraged.  We must be angry.  We must see the worst in everyone else.  We must see anything that doesn't elevate us to the god of all things as hate that needs eradicated.  We must, like a donkey being hit by a whip, immediately snap into action and begin a holy crusade against all and everything and nothing.   She was supposed to rise up and break off her chains, beat down her co-host, and march victoriously through another glass ceiling.

Instead, Ms. Strachan's general contentment and admiration for her coworker is a threat to the world the modern Left has created.  Where it goes from here?  I don't know.  The Left will need to find something to replace the void of outrage that Ms. Strachan's grace and good nature has left behind. Perhaps she'll be taken to the woodshed and taught a lesson.  Otherwise, we'll have to watch for the next Big Outrage.  It likely will be a doozy.
Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.  Philippians 4.011-13
UPDATE: This is how they do it.  Again, Ms. Strachan's response was suppose to be rage, anger, triumph, storming the Bastille and all that jazz.  Her gracious willingness to be content with her life and situation necessitated something of 'misogynistic racist bigotry is everywhere!' hysterics.  So enter the BBC, reminding us that the football soccer rage is really still a bastion of sexism and woman hate.  Another staple tactic of the Left: there is never a time when we will not be a sexist, racist, bigoted civilization.  Ever.


  1. Of course, these attempts to whip up outrage might be more effective if the female stars didn't still earn several times what the average person earns.

    1. Heh, Yep. Good for her for being content, but listening to some act as if they're eating gruel every day is a bit much.


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