
Friday, June 29, 2018

Americans will be inviting unlawful immigrants to move in with them all over the country tomorrow

Actually not, there will just be protests, unlike the nationwide protests and accusations of America's Holocaust that didn't exist back when Obama was deporting immigrants and separating families.  Of course not.  It wasn't quite as advantageous to do such things back then.  It is now.  The press says so.

Immigration is one of those topics that is easy for most Americans to get behind since, ultimately, it doesn't directly impact most Americans.  If illegal immigration hurts anyone, it's not me.  I don't live along the border.  I'm not so poor as to be hurt by the cheap labor illegal immigration provides.  And I'm certainly not the one risking life and limb by crawling through Central America on my way to the US because of our current 'open borders in all but name' mentality.

Most screaming the loudest about immigration seem to have little to no direct connection to immigrants and those hurt by the influx of immigration.  At best, they see it like terrorism - something they can pontificate about that won't impact them if they're wrong.  At worst, they seize upon it because human suffering can be exploited to advance a political agenda.

Either/or, the best solutions are actually those that make sure the least of these born on both sides of the border are considered and emphasized.  Here is a nice look from someone who isn't even American.  About the best Catholic take I've seen.  Not perfect, but certainly better than most I've seen.

If that isn't enough, then at least consider this.  If you don't really care, or put much time into caring, about those on America's side of the border, then in the long term you're just hurting those who today are immigrants.  After all, down the road they and their children will be those on this side of the border.  Perhaps that will get these who suddenly care on cue to care on principle.

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