
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

This is no galaxy for white men

So the Solo Star Wars movie didn't do as well as Disney hoped.  The reviews are so-so.  Despite making a zillion dollars, many are calling it a flop.  Go figure.

Of course theories abound as to why it under-performed, not the least of which was what I heard leading up to the movie: the actor didn't look like Harrison Ford, act like Harrison Ford, or in any way appear to be what would eventually become Harrison Ford.  Plus, as with all 'prequels', you know how it ends.  Unless the producers decided to go crazy and kill off the lead character, you know where the story ultimately goes.

Nonetheless, there is a disturbing undercurrent, talked about here at Forbes, but also in other outlets, that suggest the big problem with the movie was that it was too white, and too male.  The time of white men being in the driver's seat?  Over.  The time in which white men can be anything other than a sidekick or comedy relief at best?  Over.   It's time for anyone to be at the head of a blockbuster, as long as they aren't white, and/or aren't men.

Imagine saying that about, well, anyone but white men.  Imagine saying 'problem with this movie is it was too black', or 'problem was women.'  When the dismal remake of Ghostbusters bombed, feminists screamed sexism.  Even though most critics insisted it had nothing to do with replacing the originals with an all female cast, charges flew that the negative reviews were all because the movie going audience hates women.  So imagine someone saying the problem was 'too many women' and think of what the reaction would have been!

This is why Jordan Peterson is popular.  He actually tells men - even white ones - that they don't deserve to be thrown on the ground, kicked, beaten, mocked, dismissed, spat upon and told they can roll up in a big ball and die.  Unfortunately, he is a small voice crying in a big wilderness.  Right now, it's enough that trashing people who have white skin and certain genitalia will get you invited to the best parties, get you the highest accolades from our fine institutions of higher learning, and of course get you wining and dining with all the cultural elites.  Just like trashing people with different skin color or ethnic backgrounds or gender would have gotten you the same generations ago.

There truly is nothing new under the sun.  The only thing that's worth watching is how many believers will jump up and join the latest march into Hell.

What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun. 
                                      Ecclesiastes 1.9


  1. Interesting they call it a white male lead when the star is actually jewish.

    That's a bad sign if the left is going to start seeing jews as white...

    1. Remember that post I had over at Patheos whereby the woman wrote an article suggesting, however subtly, that if the Nazis had done it because of "White Privilege"... Not that the Holocaust was right or anything, but perhaps the justification would have been on firmer ground, even if the victims were still also Jewish. Consider Nancy Pelosi's yearning for a day in which there are no more whites in the world. It's easier to see where this is going than it would have been to see where things were headed a hundred years ago.


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