
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Rosanne got what she had coming

There has been much scuttlebutt about people getting canned here lately, often for doing nothing other than having an opinion.  Now, I'm the first to say that the modern witch hunt, whereby we dig up the past, looking for any scrap with which we can destroy a person, is getting a bit creepy.  We're talking serious Salem vibes here.  Also the notion that we can hunt down someone's private contributions to a cause, or find some personal or internal memo sent to individuals and have them fired for wrong think is, IMHO, a little too Orwellian for my tastes.

Still, I do think companies have the right to protect their brand.  I find nothing at all wrong with the NFL telling its players not to walk out and flip the bird to millions of its paying customers.  Likewise, I have no problem with ABC canning the Rosanne thing because of her utterly tasteless and racist tweet.  Not only does it breech what I consider acceptable standards, but by my thinking, it was purposefully race baiting, almost as if Rosanne was saying 'This is the type of fan I have now!'.

Nope.  Her contempt for her fanbase, that she thinks this is the type of humor they would appreciate, is enough for me to say sayonara.  I never cared for her first show, and I wasn't going to waste my time with this one.  But beyond my opinion, an employer has a right to police its public image, as I've been told time and again by individuals who support a company's right to insist its employees cannot speak out against things like abortion rights or gay marriage.  Fair is fair.  Consistency is consistency, and all that jazz.

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