
Monday, May 21, 2018

It's time for Pope Francis to clarify - again

So the news hit a few days ago.  At first it was just some blogs and a couple smaller outlets.  But now it's picking up steam and everyone is saying it: according to an abuse victim, Pope Francis has confessed the Gospel of Lady Gaga. That is, if you're gay, it's because you were born this way.  That is, God made you this way.  That is, your desire to have sex with that person of the same gender is straight from God.

Of course this is a no win situation - unless you want the Catholic Church to jettison its doctrine.  If you say born this way, then God made it happen.  If you insist homosexual sex is wrong, then God made you desire something sinful.  You had no choice.  God made it happen.  Which goes against the old doctrine that God doesn't tempt us (or, as Pope Francis lamented, lead us into temptation).  God doesn't just tempt, in the Gagagospel, He makes us desire the sin.

Or you stop calling it sin.  You say sex with a person of the same gender is no longer sin.  At which point, of course, it no longer makes sense to forbid same sex marriage.  Which is where the majority of American Catholics want to go, and not a few Catholic leaders.  Whether that is where Pope Francis is going or not, remains to be seen. 

According to the latest news cast (which is joyfully reporting that the Church could be on the verge of changing its 2000 year old teaching), the Vatican is saying it doesn't speak to private conversations.  Well buster browns, you had best speak, because silence in this case will be taken as affirmation.  And if this turns out to be true, then the Church is done for a season.  Sure, it will survive in ages to come.  But for the short term, including the lives of many generations, it will have apostatized itself in order to conform to the winds of the world.  And I fear who we get to have sex with will only be the beginning.

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