
Saturday, April 28, 2018

RIP Alfie Evans

Young Alfie Evans has died.  That is a tragedy and I can't imagine the pain his parents are going through right now.  Prayers are what is needed.  There will be time to sort out the implications of this trend we've seen happen in Britain.  Certainly any sane person can see how this trajectory could go, and why people are hardly insane for be concerned.  Especially when set alongside other trends, particularly in Europe, where assisted suicide an euthanasia are becoming more and more acceptable.

But for now, prayers for his parents, his family, his loved ones, his caregivers, and all who came to know him in these last two weeks.  And most of all, for his precious soul and the promise that he will be in a far better place than the one he is leaving.

1 comment:

  1. Bye alfie. May you find many friends among the others who left too soon and wait in heaven's playground.


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