
Thursday, April 12, 2018

Mark Shea is back and running

After a brief Easter hiatus, Mark is back advocating for the Democratic Party by calling for the extermination of the GOP.

Remember this freak show of a party in November and destroy it at the polls.  Keep destroying it every two years until nothing of this monstrous pack of lying predators remains.

That's fine.  He's hardly a Catholic apologist at this point, but a full blown political activist for the Democrats.  I personally have no love for the Republican party, and didn't vote for Trump. Hence the low number of posts defending them. Nevertheless, it would be a cold day in Hell before I'd turn and become a shill for the party that has made the Culture of Death a major policy platform, and has joined with forces that have put the Christian faithful in the cross-hairs.

I've been tough on Mark for his obvious partisanship, but in fairness, he's hardly alone. Under Pope Francis, the sins of the Left have become occasions for mercy, forgiveness, and fuggedaboutit.  Pope Francis is not the only one.  As I said yesterday, Russ Moore has been taking the SBC to that level of denouncing the traditional Christian experience of the West and the heritage of the United States, while embracing the priorities and values of the political Left as essential for the practicing Christian.

Those sins of the Left?  Technically sins, they nonetheless hardly matter.  You shouldn't have abortions or indulge in gay sex, but those are nothing that should come between the pagan, the heathen, the heretic and the new emergent Christian.

The sins of the Right?  Things such as the free market, leaning on traditional values, practicing the old values of Christianity once understood?  Ah, there the wrath of God and the fires of Hell do yawn.  Whether because racists, or greedy, or pharisees, fundamentalists, rigidly intolerant, or whatever, that is where the real sin is.  That is where the evil and the cause of our modern woes can be traced.  That is where the condemnation deserves to be.  The traditionalist and the conservative, they are the ones keeping evil alive and threatening the new world order with their religious charades and bigoted leanings. I suppose that's one way to stay on the right side of the barbed wire should it come to that.

For the record, I don't know anything Kevin Williamson.  I heard on the news there was some kerfuffle because The Atlantic hired some non-liberal for one of its departments.  You can't have that.  Given that in the whole interview he says he's squeamish about capital punishment in general, my guess is he's making some broader point.  But this is now, today.  Discussion exists to be censored or used to destroy the non-conformer.  We have no room for non-conformers who try to appeal to various rhetorical tricks or nuance for unpacking complex issues.

I certainly don't support hanging women who've had abortions.  I don't support hanging anyone. But I subscribe to the old notion, once advocated rather broadly by 'pro-life' Christians, that the laws of a nation point to the heart of a nation.  As long as abortion is legal, it says something about our nation's heart and soul.  And despite the growing notion that we're past nations anyway, and are moving toward some giant global government utopia, as of now we're still confined to national identities.  Somehow, making abortion illegal still means something because the heart and soul of our nation means something.  And if it's illegal, then it should mean something for those who break laws, since laws and right and wrong should mean something, too.  But that's just me.

UPDATE: Wow.  I mean, wow.  Mark's blog has become a haven for all who would advocate for the manifold sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance that are embraced and advocated by the modern Left.  Even his old friend Zippy Catholic didn't stand a chance, being trashed and hashed as Mark stood back and allowed it to happen, rather than dare to call out his multiple pro-feminist, abortion, gay marriage, anti-Catholic/Christian faithful. 


  1. Let's see what Mark got wrong today...

    He’s a respected writer for the National Review.

    Nope. He WAS a writer, he had left National Review.

    Also if he's going to complain about Williamson, maybe he should talk to Zippy who - I'll remind people - Mark said "is honest as the day is long."

    I'll only link Dalrock here as a useful compilation of the blowup that happened in 2016. I remember several leftists mocking pro-lifers as insincere in their belief. (since if abortion really IS murder, shouldn't the woman be punished?) I guess Shea has no words for those on the left who started declaring the pro-lifers liars for not wanting women punished.

    There is a point that you wonder if an alien stopped by and was trying to figure out what abortion was, that they would conclude it's some kind of disease or natural disaster that just happens to women at random.

    1. First, what Zippy says is irrelevant. Mark grants no end of dispensations to those he likes or admires. You can literally advocate for the wholesale slaughter of a hundred million screaming unborn, but if you're in Mark's acceptable circle, he'll give you a hundred passes - even if you echo verbatim what Mark has condemned others for saying.

      Second, Mark no longer condemns abortion as anything but that which women are forced to do because of greedy Capitalists and misogynistic men. All abortions that aren't linked to one can be placed at the feet of the other. Therefore, as Mark presents it, it's basically women victimized into being forced to have an abortion - all other instances simply don't exist in his discourse.

      Finally, I wouldn't expect Mark to accurately portray the controversy. I hadn't heard of the latest, but was sure there was more to it than Mark presented.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Sorry about that! Accidentally hit the wrong button. No problem at all with your comment. It's worth noting that the comments section has been taken over by largely pro-abortion, radical feminist, anti-Catholic and anti-Christian voices - as Mark's blog so often is. If you want to peddle the Culture of Death, radical Bolshevism, anti-Christian and anti-God heresies and heathenism, you could do worse than stopping by Mark's blog. Just donate your two bits of hating on America/Conservatives/Trump/Trump Supporters/non-Leftists, and the floor is yours.


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