
Thursday, March 15, 2018

Things I heard from the student walk out

First, apparently all the students are on the same page when it comes to focusing on guns as the solution, since almost every student interviewed went straight to guns and dealing with guns as the focus.  Well, that's not true.  FOX News managed to find a student who wasn't supporting gun control as the answer, so make your own call on that.

Many students apparently have no problem saying they want guns gone, they are against guns, they want them banned, and they have no issue admitting it.  Both in interviews, and during various chants, the message was clear.

Many apparently hate the NRA and see it as right up there with the KKK and Nazis.  They want it gone.  I didn't hear anyone chant 'Kill the NRA', but the NRA, when mentioned, was talked about the way one might mention a serial killer, or a terrorist organization.  Given that national leaders and pundits refer to the NRA in such a way, that shouldn't be surprising.

Nobody in the press confronted the kids about bullying and who is actually doing it.  There were a lot of demands that someone[else] do something, but not many of the students said 'Given the almost universal link between mass shootings and bullying, I pledge...'

I heard parents who were interviewed speak about how they had hoped their youth would become activists, even if not because of something like this.  I thought that was interesting.

Several of the protesters had no problem suggesting people who weren't on the same page as them about gun measures were more concerned about their guns than their kids.  That was repeated in speech and posters.

I noticed several youth linking this movement to other movements, like the Civil Rights marches or the Vietnam War protests.  I wonder if the above parents noticed that, too.

Nobody talked about the media violence, rhetoric and other characteristics of modern life.  It's not even worth wondering if I heard any links to our abortion culture or our more hedonistic tendencies. Because of this, there were no pledges by students to turn away from all the violence and rhetoric that has come to define our modern culture.  In fact, again, there were no pledges from students to do anything, other than demand political leaders do something about gun violence.

Nobody talked specifics.  Even when students were given substantial time in an interview, there were no real specifics.

Those are what I noticed the most.  No mention at all about suicides, the growth of suicides among white Americans, the disproportionately high level of violence among certain demographics and in certain reigns of the country.  Just mostly what I posted here.  I'm sure there were other things I didn't hear, but that's what I heard.

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