
Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Pray for the victims at Parkland High School

Killings happen far too often in this world.  But there's something about a school shooting; an attack aimed at the most precious members of our civilization, our families, and cherished by our parents, that cuts to the heart. 

So far, 17 are confirmed dead.  God bless them and their loved ones who are left to grapple with the unimaginable.   May God bring peace and comfort and strength to those who are left to mourn and endure.  God also forgive the shooter, and bring a spirit of repentance for this inexcusable act of murder.

May we come together and lift up our common voices in laments and prayers for those lost, and seek to be a national family that extends our hearts and tears in support for all who were impacted by this senseless act of violence. 

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