
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

God bless you Billy Graham

The news broke on my way this morning.  I could have more to say, but I doubt I'll be able to add much to what will be said.   It's enough to point out that even in my deepest, darkest days as a proud liberal agnostic, I admired the man, as did most fellow students and peers I knew. 

It was a different age, and the world has moved on from a time where Graham would be able to have such a ministry today.  But he was there when the world needed him.  I once was asked why I admired him in those crazy, hazy days of televangelist scandals.  Because I felt he believed what he said.  Even then, I found that to be a good quality.  Even if I didn't believe it, he did, and that made an impression on me.  In some ways, he was that rope that kept me tied to God in a popular culture casting itself adrift from all Gospel moorings.   And for that, I'll always be grateful.

He will be missed, as he already has been.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.  And let the perpetual light shine upon him.

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