
Saturday, January 6, 2018

The reason the Wolff book is so important

Is this.  Yep, the unemployment rate for African Americans is now lower than it has been since tracking began.  The press has under reported this*, and if pushed, I'm sure it will rely on giving credit to Barrack Obama.   Just like the press continued to blame anything wrong during the previous eight years on George Bush. 

Nonetheless, the headline 'Unemployment lowest ever for African Americans' is bad optics.  So focusing on Wolff's book is important.  It must keep our eyes off the ball, off of what is happening, and in the trenches of personal attack and character assassination.

Of course the book is really nothing new. It's nothing other than an author saying trust him, he talked to people who say what the press, pundits and Trump critics insist people have said for the last year.  And insisting he had access to Trump for around three hours over the course of months of campaigning (do the math).

And it's nothing we haven't heard before Donald Trump.  Senility, moron, mentally incapable, unfit for office - I heard in in the 80s with Reagan and Dan Quayle.  I heard it again in the 00s during the Bush administration.  In fact, come to think of it, I notice a trend.  When the Left doesn't get the person it wants, it uses the press and other surrogates to attack and destroy the individuals who have thwarted their designs.  As this book is supposed to do.

I don't think Trump is the best type of person we could have by a long shot.  Unfortunately, the best type of people we have produced have become part of the problem, as this old piece observes.  A world with a growing elitist class that cares for itself, and nothing else.  If Trump doesn't care either, he's at least shaking things up and, so far, doing things that could help that growing demographic of non-elites that had so woefully fallen behind over the last few decades.

*Except for USA Today, the linked to article, and a handful of local or marginal publications, I've not found major outlets running this story.  Those few I found that did address the news were like this WaPo piece, which obviously was trying to downplay and deflect, and keep divides alive.

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