
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Catholic apologist Mark Shea abandons Christian bakers

And other Christians who don't follow him in bowing before the idol of the Leftist juggernaut.  Yep.  Here.  He does it by parroting the old gay marriage meme that since divorce and reality TV (which many conservatives also oppose), therefore hypocrisy!  Because Christians still live in this country, therefore their opinions are null and void unless they conform to the very forces that brought us no fault divorce and sleeping with the neighbor shows in the first place.

He even adds a little extra jab by declaring that those who are concerned about such silly things as the right to not be liberal are not even Christians.  Something he once said only rad trads and fundamentalists do.

Mark, who once joined the chorus of outrage at this naked assault on religious liberty and freedom of conscience, continues his march up to the head of the progressive class.

If you ever wondered how Christians in history could so blindly fall into line behind the clear and obvious threats to the well being of humanity in general, much less the faithful of the Gospel, you need look no farther than Mark.

Like Rolfe from The Sound of Music, Mark now brandishes his verbal Luger at anyone who dares remind him of the manifold heresies, blasphemies, evils and sins that he once opposed but now aligns with.  And like young Rolfe, Mark is just the type of person such movements of tyranny and oppression yearn for.

In fairness to Mark, much of the Church leadership also appears to be going that direction. And sad to say, it won't be the first time in the two thousand year history of the Church that its best and brightest, or at least most powerful, found it advantageous to sit down at the banquet feast and eat the King's food since the Temple appeared to be a thing of the past.


  1. From what he quotes: " How many of these stalwart defenders of Christian mores would refuse to bake a cake for a man on his second or third marriage, in defiance of the plain word of scripture?”

    Well did you ASK? Or (as is so often the case) did you just assume they do? Never mind that unless someone does repeat business, the cake shop would probably have no idea what marriage number this was for somebody. Most shops don't interrogate their customers.

    1. Mark merely repeats the various tropes of the Left, including pro-abortion and gay marriage memes. Of course it's rubbish. In fact, the frustrating part is that it was the 'liberalism of America' that pushed for divorce in the first place, portraying Christians who didn't accept it as wicked and mean fundamentalists. Then, under threat of being called names in movies and TV shows, Christians loosened up on divorce, the same movement then turns and uses it against them to shove through gay marriage.

      As my boys said, that's why Christians support Trump. Liberalism cheats, and has for generations. Trump's simply as bad as they are, and all Christians who condemn Trump but then line up beside the same thing on the Left are doubly the hypocrites, if not worse.

    2. Spot on. If the game is rigged, why bother playing by the rules? That's the problem with war, eventually the other side will start shooting back.

      One wonders what Shea's reaction would be if it was Muslim bakeries fighting for their freedom of religion.

    3. We'll never know, since most LGBTQ advocates aren't stupid enough to kick down the doors of an openly Muslim establishment and demand conformity. I see the relationship between the Left and the Islamic world as one of uneasy alliance by truce.

    4. BTW, I went back to check on the crazy, and someone points something out that's rather interesting. Turns out, the Catholic Bishops actually support, you know, freedom of religion. They don't judge the hearts of those assailed and determine since they're sinners, they deserve what they get. That seems to put Mark at odds with - you guessed it - the same Bishops he so often flaunts.

    5. Here you go, Dave.


    6. Heh. It's so clear, and yet people like Mark gladly ignore it (though Mark knew it too, he just rests on accusing and slandering to justify his change).

  2. Am I the only one who thought that Shea's peroration about Pope Francis sits uneasily with his opening diatribe about "Christianists" who don't care about opposing divorce culture? Francis' idea of giving out Communion to the divorced and remarried, if it becomes widely adopted, will do much to cement divorce culture in the Catholic Church.

    1. Shortly before I left Protestantism, we had an interfaith, ecumenical powwow about divorce. It was around 2004. The point of the conference was that the Christian world had become to accepting of the whole divorce culture. In the eagerness not to look intolerant or judgmental or mean, it went the other direction and had, by virtue of not standing its ground, become part of the problem. That was a meeting that included very progressive denominations, such as leaders from the UCC, Presbyterians, United Methodist, Episcopal. They all agreed it was time to walk back the whole 'whatever, we just love' approach to the problems of divorce. So it's quite the shock to see the Church suddenly decide to dive into the pool so many others were beginning to crawl out of.


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