
Friday, December 8, 2017

Roy Moore is still guilty

Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn about truth. 
Just because he has two women accusing him of something illegal that was never brought up for over forty years, with absolutely no piece of evidence to support their claims, save for one that has now been admitted to being tampered with, means nothing under the New McCarthyism

Now in a sane world of mature adults of good will, where truth and goodness and facts are important, this would be enough to bring pause to those wanting Moore to be skinned.  It does not - repeat, does not - mean he's innocent or they're liars.  It merely means that the one key piece of physical evidence that has been flaunted, suggesting that Moore was at least wrong, if not lying, about his knowledge of events, has been seriously compromised.

And in that sane world of mature adults of good will, where truth and goodness and facts are important, that would mean the lynch hunt that has been using this coincidentally exposed set of accusations would at least lose some steam.  Heck, some might even turn and say it's worth giving Mr. Moore a second look.

But praise be to the powers that be, we live in no such world.  Whether or not Moore was or wasn't guilty is irrelevant.  The purpose is to destroy him, and use him to destroy Trump, Trump's supporters, and Trump's threat to the modern establishment.  That is the important thing, and no amount of facts, data, evidence, or lack thereof means a damn thing. 

We live in a post-truth, post-morality, post-reality world.  The only thing that matters is advancing the political left.  Moore and those losers who insist on facts and evidence and presumption of innocence are going to have to suck up and accept the new world in which we live.

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