
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

What Roy Moore should teach us

Never, ever trust modern liberalism.  So let's sort this out.  By now, Roy Moore is a child molester.  We know that because he's called it.  And when someone is called something,  it's always true.

Then, he's apparently raped and molested women by the dozens.  How do we know this? Because dozens of women have come out and said so.  So he's obviously guilty, because there has never been a time in history where multiple witnesses were presented against someone who turned out to be innocent. Besides, if he's not guilty, it's like saying the women are wrong or, worse, lying.  And that never happens.

Now, it's worth noting that some things appear to have been conflated in all this.  First, there are only two accusations that I'm aware of that were considered serious up to a few weeks back.  One is his peddling after a girl who, at the time, was fourteen.  That would be well under the legal age of consent back then.  The other serious charge is that he attempted to rape a sixteen year old.  Both of those are very serious charges, and if guilty, he needs to be held to justice.

So far, however, the only corroborating evidence from those two incidents is a yearbook that Moore signed.  The yearbook has not been given over for study or investigation, and some have pointed out a few issues with it that at least suggest the need to review its authenticity, as often happens when evidence is produced.  Yet it has not been turned over to any authorities, nor have any official charges been made against Moore where an actual investigation can take place.

All of the other accusations that I'm aware of are either from a couple women who said he groped them back in the 90s, with no possible proof to back them up, and others who said that, as teenagers of legal age, he attempted to pick them up.

OK.  In other words, they were just seventeen, and you know what I mean.  Which was all the rage in the sex culture.  So let's assume he's innocent of everything, except going after teenage girls.  Up until a few weeks ago, there was only one moral standard for sex: Where two or more consenting individuals of legal age are involved, there is no wrong.  That's fine.  From Jerry Seinfeld to Beatles songs to every rock star going after teenage groupies, there was no moral objection.  Girls saw it as empowerment or opportunity, men didn't mind the fringe benefits.  And society refused to say anything.  After all, if we objected, we were schooled on how, up until about a century ago, teenage girls often married, and older men could marry young girls without others batting an eye.

But all of this is ancient history.  And in the world of modern liberalism, ancient history includes anything up until five minutes ago when it becomes expedient to turn on a dime and change morality, truth, ethics, values, principles, or anything else.

So overnight, an adult man going after teenage girls is child rape.  Rock stars who sang of or indulged in the pleasures of pre-20 sexual escapades (except The Beatles) have been raised up and crucified.  Though still no word on Jerry Seinfeld either.

Which is a bit vexing, if you think on it.  Men weren't just excused when they acted like this, they were encouraged.  In fact, the only ones mocked and derided were those who suggested that there should be more standards regarding sexuality than just 'two or more individuals of legal age.'  But now, through sheer cosmic coincidence, it's not only wrong today, but it has been wrong all along.  All along we were the society of male predators, seizing on young girls, and hapless women being victimized by the men who forced it on them against their will.  Apparently anything under twenty years old - not just seventeen, if you know what I mean - is molesting children.

I know this because Roy Moore is now officially known as a child molester.  All who refuse to condemn him on the notion that no actual evidence has been produced are defenders of child molesting.  It's the way of postmodern discourse. Agree with today's latest truth, or you rape babies.

I noticed this little trend some time ago when watching a few war movies on Memorial Day.  I noticed that MASH, once the film darling of bold liberal revolutionaries, was apologized for and condemned for its awful treatment of women.  BTW, when MASH came out, it was likely only those religious puritan types who would object.  After all, society was opening its mind and, just like ogling teenage girls in song and substance, treating anyone anyway we wanted was all the rage. Until yesterday.  Or today five minutes ago.  It doesn't really matter.

All of this assumes there is actually a desire to establish a common set of values and a common good for society. By now, we should all know better.  If Liberalism has produced anything good or beneficial in the last half century, it's certainly not the idea that principles or values exist.  They don't exist.  Like arguing with some of the trolls back at Patheos, there is no truth or standard, but only that which gets us what we want at the moment.

Don't hate the trolls, by the way.  They merely reflect, in comments boxes, the gist of modern liberalism.  Who cares about truth or principles? All that matters is scoring points and getting what we want today.  If tomorrow, sexting after young girls becomes advantageous for feminist power or a convenient carrot to dangle before a drugged up, sexed up society, I'm sure it will all be fine again.

So lesson learned.  Just because liberalism says you should paint your room red, don't believe it.  Tomorrow, or even later today, when convenient, it might just determine that red rooms are the equivalent of Hitler, and you will be mercilessly condemned for having listen to what liberalism said back in the dark days of ancient history.  The dark days of ancient history being, for liberalism, any time before now.

Grumpy Note: Just in case anyone is wondering, I'm not defending Moore's practice of hanging at shopping malls, wanting to score with 17 year olds, if you know what I mean.  I merely note that, up until Roy Moore, I spent my entire life seeing at best a few raised eyebrows, but most often just shoulder shrugs and high fives when it came to guys getting young girls, even if the girls were teens.  Or, in recent years, older feline women going after those ripped young guys.  My point is how quickly our progressive culture sans principles can declare X good today, and evil later today purely when convenient.  To me, that's not a good foundation for a society.  But that's just me.

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