
Friday, November 10, 2017

The American News Media as propaganda organ for the political Left

Just a reminder (caution, crude language from those who blasted Trump for his crude language).

No pretending at this point.  They lie about it, but in everything they do and say, they scream it from the rooftops:  They hate the Christian West and its bastard child America.  They hate all who fail to conform to today's latest manifestation of secular liberalism.  Their job is to prop up and advance the designs of the Left and its political and social branches.  Their job is also to seek out and destroy those who don't conform or who stand in the way.

Right now they have President Trump.  Gone is all pretense of objectivity.  Their job is to destroy his presidency, whatever impact it might have on the country or the world.  Once he is gone, who do you suppose will be next?

Remember, a free press is essential for a healthy democracy.  A propaganda ministry is antithetical to one.

I'm completely convinced that most liberals are, in fact, good people.  Or at least no worse than conservatives or anyone else.  But as Curt Siodmak observed when he penned the screenplay for Universal's 1941 film, The Wolfman, Nazis were good people, too.  That was the hook.  Good people that he had grown up with turned into the most horrible of monstrosities as they were whipped into a frenzy by the maelstrom of Nazi rhetoric and propaganda.  Hence good guy Larry Talbot becoming a ravenous beast.

As the Left continues to suck the air out of reality in order to feed its burning desire for tyranny and terror (if previous leftist revolutions have anything to say), it will continue to use whatever venues possible - universities, schools, entertainment, government and the press - to advance the cause and destroy those who stand in the way.

Not to sound alarmist or anything, but it's impossible to watch the flagrant partisanship and advocacy for the Left in the linked to clip and not realize that we have just turned a corner.  Unless we are convinced that we're infinitely superior to all the other people in history, there's no reason to think we won't end up where all the other people in history ended up who ignored such clear and flagrant warnings.

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