
Monday, November 13, 2017

Roy Moore just made it easier

Right now, it's he said/she said.  Roy Moore continues to deny the charges.  The Left (including, but not limited to, America's Pravda) has made it clear that an accusation is good enough to destroy a person.  The Establishment GOP, always pining to play in the Left's reindeer games, has followed suit.  CNN just said that to take no position on this is to take a position.

For my part, I would say my position is innocent until proven guilty.  You can personally have the opinion that someone is guilty no matter what. But a person should not be destroyed simply based on an accusation.  That's just me.

Nonetheless, Mr. Moore has made it easier.  He said he never knew the women in question.  He said he had no contact with them, and nothing to do with them.  So now we merely need to find evidence that he did know them, and bango.  It wouldn't mean he's guilty, but it would mean he clearly was wrong about not knowing them.  And if that is the case, it raises questions about the accuracy of his defense.  At that case, you could argue he's damaged goods and needs to step down.

So we wait.  With so many women making the charge, and him insisting he knew none of them, it shouldn't be difficult to find some evidence that at least one of them did know him, he knew or contacted them, and therefore his defense is called into question.  With so many news outlets scouring ever inch and second of the case, such evidence should be easy to find.

If found, then yeah, it's time for him to step aside.  If not?  Then I'd say the accusations are called into serious question, and perhaps it's time to put aside the crucible and not make this an obvious political ploy and November surprise based on ending our whole notion of innocent until proven guilty.

UPDATEAnother woman has come forward and said Mr. Moore assaulted her when she was a minor.  There is the old adage of 'where there is smoke, there is fire.'  Not that lines of false witnesses have never been produced in history in order to destroy someone.  Nonetheless, there comes a point where you must believe in a Vast Conspiracy of political opponents to dismiss one accusation after another.  And since we all know nobody believes in such vast conspiracies, it becomes more and more difficult to think there is nothing to the charges.  I'm still holding onto innocent until proven guilty, and these charges must be proven for his life to be penalized for them.  Nonetheless, it's worth noting that another accusation has been made, once again from a then-minor, and at some point we have to ask ourselves a question about how great of a conspiracy is needed for all of these to be in the tank.

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