
Sunday, November 19, 2017

Not this tide

Is this an iconic scene from a legendary movie?

No, it's our basement! In the latest in a year of incidents that have cost us almost 10,000.00 in unexpected expenses (when 100.00 would have pushed us over), the forces converged so that our basement would be washed away with the tides.

For fifteen years, we've never had a water problem in our basement.  Then the floodgates of heaven opened up.  It rained almost every day of the last month.  Since Halloween, we've only had a few days without rain.  This last week, it rained almost every day.  And then yesterday came the deluge.  One of the heaviest rains we've ever had.

All of this was bad, and the flooding around town began taking out roads and neighborhoods.  Then the power went out for almost six hours, and with it, the sump pump.  I'll leave you to imagine what happened next.

In the end, we're fortunate. Neither my library, nor the boys' gaming room or tables were hit.  A box of Halloween decorations that had been left out of storage, and a couple boxes of papers and files, appear to be the total damage. We're still assessing.  I type this as we take a break after almost an entire night of using everything from towels and sponges to plastic cups to remove what water we could.

In the end, it could have been worse.  But then, a year of insisting it could have been worse can, in its own way, begin to weigh on you.


  1. Time to quote JBP again:


    Hope you get things straightened out soon, Dave! As someone who has had his apartment flooded - TWICE (I was on the 3rd floor!) I very much sympathize with you.

    1. 3rd floor? Must have been dreadful for the ones on the lower floors!

    2. Yes. Yes it was. I should show you pictures sometime if i still have them.


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