
Monday, November 13, 2017

Making racism cool again

Law professor Ekow Yankah asks the million dollar question: can his kids be friends with people who have white skin? 
Donald Trump’s election has made it clear that I will teach my boys the lesson generations old, one that I for the most part nearly escaped. I will teach them to be cautious, I will teach them suspicion, and I will teach them distrust. Much sooner than I thought I would, I will have to discuss with my boys whether they can truly be friends with white people.
My first thought was of an old PSA commercial from way back in the 70s.  It showed two kids out playing ball in the park.  Then it was time to head for home.  They wanted to keep playing, but they didn't dare invite the other one home.  One was black.  One was white.  The message was clear: black or white, you shouldn't teach your children to be prejudice based on race. 

So once again, the Left displays its 'that's so yesterday's morality' approach to morality.  Now it's all the rage to judge people based on skin color.  Like my boy said, everyone knows you can always tell a racist by the color of his skin.  

It's racism.  But it's the racism embraced by all those in the halls of power who have the wealth, parties and prestige: like the NYT.  Just like the racism of yesteryear.  Bigotry is always around.  It's the bigotry embraced by the power players and the beautiful people of a society, however, that ends up causing the mischief.

It's not just those rascally secular leftists either.  While I was at Patheos, some Catholic priest, from Asia I believe, wrote a piece saying that he became scared one night when he realized he was walking through a mostly white neighborhood.  Because we all know how racist and violent those people with white skin are.

Racist?  Of course.  Just take the same exact thing and say you became scared when you realized you were walking through an all black neighborhood and see how long you last.  Is it racism embraced by modern Catholics?  What did you expect?   Christians always seem eager to hop into bed with Satan's latest incarnation.

Bigotry is the life blood of all civilizations.  Somehow it must manifest itself so we know who the 'they' are.  Racism has been a handy way of dividing people up or justifying the exploitation of human beings for ages.  Anyone with more than two brain cells or who was educated before the dark times of Multi-Cultural education would know that racism is hardly unique to the West. 

So it should come as no shock that it, like slavery, is still around, still going strong, and hardly confined to white, European and American conservatives living in Red States, clinging to their guns and religion.  It is quite universal, quite popular, and quite real. 

What would be nice would be if the Christian Faith could avoid jumping into bed with the latest Satanic development in history, instead of always insisting that we become the reason our posterity must apologize? Yeah.  Given the ease with which the Left has hoisted this new WASPist form of racism on us, and the glee with which so many believers are throwing in their lots, I'm not hopeful. 

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