
Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Gun control advocates as crooked salesmen

Lying, ignoring evidence, cherry picking stats, ignoring factors behind studies, sleight of hand, purposeful misleading - all of these things seem to define much of the movement behind gun control.  So I didn't realize that the two heroes (whose names escape me since I've not heard much of a deal made about them by the MSM), apparently used that villainous AR-47 to stop the shooter

At least admit when reality doesn't fit the narrative and agenda.  This might not change a thing in the debate.  But admit it.  Focus on it.  Point out all of the ways in which this doesn't fit, but you're courageous and honest enough to address it. 

Stop acting like a used car salesman trying to assure me that the oil puddle under the car should be there.  That's why I hesitate about Climate Warming, that's why I hesitate about most things. 

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