
Thursday, November 16, 2017

Gloria Allred made it easier

So everyone is abuzz about the yearbook.  Up until now, for all the credibility of Roy Moore's accusers (and I have yet to have anyone explain just what makes their accusations so credible), there has been no actual evidence.  Which is a bit disturbing, given the growing number of people claiming that when it comes to women accusing men, we don't need no stinking evidence.

Part of the problem is that the accusations are from about forty years ago.  Well past the statute of limitations.  Plus, in a bizarre case of cosmic coincidence, all of the accusations are happening right before a major, politically significant national election.  There's not much time to gather evidence one way or another. 

But in this case, Ms. Allred has produced the only real, physical evidence that at least Roy Moore knew someone who is accusing him.  In this case, one of two women accusing him of doing something actually illegal has produced a yearbook with his signature and complete date (from December of 1977), proving that he at least knew the woman back in the day.

Now, call me cynical, but my first thought was that's a pretty bit of handwriting our Mr. Moore possessed in his younger days.  Others apparently have thought so as well, and have called for Ms. Allred to produce the yearbook for official scrutiny by valid experts.  Fair enough.  If she does, and they prove that Mr. Moore simply had a wonderful penmanship, then that's a point in their favor.

As I said here, Moore has made some confusing statements, but so have some of his accusers.  And this doesn't count the fact that, while older men dating teenagers isn't my thing, it's not something that was universally condemned as child molestation until, well, about a week ago

Again, this wouldn't prove anything in itself, but at least it would link Moore to one of the victims.  It would be a case where it turns out that he knew someone he said he didn't know.  That would call into question other denials, and that would be enough to suggest he step aside, at least to clear up the confusion he helped create.  Given the complete void of any real, physical evidence, I would welcome that as a tremendous gift in a society increasingly warming up to the way it was done in Salem, c. the 17th century. 

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