
Saturday, November 11, 2017

Did our veterans fight for nothing?

One of the interesting spins I heard back in college was the idea that liberals were the ones holding to the ideals of our veterans.  That is, our veterans fought to keep us free, and freedom was just what liberalism was all about.

They weren't like conservatives.  Conservatives were of the McCarthy mentality: investigating, accusing, threatening.   Conservatives were the ones playing records backwards to hear hidden messages.  They were the ones setting up kangaroo courts of public opinion, digging up scandal in order to destroy those who didn't conform.  In short, despite all their flag waving patriotism, conservatives were threatening what our veterans fought and died for, while liberals were all about embracing the purpose of their sacrifice.

All of that was in the 1980s.  Liberals chafed at the notion that Reagan had monopolized patriotism, and conservatives were the ones who were about loving America and being true heirs of our finest principles. Much of the 1980s liberalism was about undoing that idea.  I remember when Bruce Springsteen released his Born in the USA album.  He said in an interview on MTV that the album was partly to rebuke this notion that patriotism was only for Reagan and the American Right.

I thought of all that as I see the growing crucible in which Roy Moore is being sentenced of crimes he's been accused of.  Right now, the accusations are unofficial.  That is, they're not being made in an official capacity, so there is no way of verifying their accuracy.  Likewise, Roy Moore has, as of now, denied the charges.  And so far, there have been no corroborating witnesses or documentation to validate the accusations beyond those who have made the charges. 

In other words, the accusations have no more weight than if I say Roy Moore molested me almost forty years ago. 

But he's guilty, and his career should immediately be destroyed.  Sentencing to commence at once.  All of this must be from those rascally liberals out to strip away our freedoms and liberty, correct?  No. Not necessarily.  While some leftist partisans are making it clear that an informal accusation is all that is needed for some good old fashioned stake burning, it's not just the Left. 

Democrat wannabes Mitt Romney and John Kasich have jumped in and said the informal charges are good enough.   As Mr. Romney said, only in the courts are we innocent until proven guilty.  Everywhere else, a simple accusation is enough to destroy your life.  Which is why he obviously has no business running for office again.

See how that works? The thing about waiting for proof until we know if someone is guilty?  It's a nice standard to have around on the off chance we are accused of doing something we didn't do.   It's nice to know we stood on a principle that will now be of good service to us.   That's why standing on laws, principles and standards is so crucial.  Someday, they may be all we have betwixt us and the gulags. Something our postmodern society seems to have forgotten.

And this all got me to thinking, as I am wont to do. If those liberals back in my college days were right, are we just paying lip service to our veterans, while really jettisoning all they fought and died for?  As I watch so many don their merry McCarthy, and say Moore should be punished and destroyed because, well, the charges are good enough, then by the standards of my old college compatriots, are we no longer honoring out veterans?  Time to take down the flags and bunting?

Note: If evidence is provided, if the charges are backed up or verified, if it turns out that Moore is guilty, then of course I think he should not only step down, but face harsher penalties.  Anyone defending him on the notion that even if he is guilty it's no big deal is as wrong as any of those calling for his head sans evidence.  They're all, by those enlightened progressives back in the day, dishonoring what our veterans gave their last full measure of devotion to preserve.


  1. I'm going to have to join your resolve to avoid Shea because it's just frustrating watching his rank dishonesty.

    Things to note about this case from the very own Washington Post.

    1) The legal age in Alabama is 16. So EVEN IF TRUE, Moore only broke the law in 1 case, not all 4.
    2) The statute of limitations have run out - so there's nothing to convict either.

    The only court that matters here is the court of public opinion. One suspects that may be the point.

    1. Yeah, I saw that through a FB link from someone I follow who, apparently, still has access to his stuff. My jaw dropped. Note Mark just assumes the worst guilt of Moore, but that's not his main point (Mark's evidence for 'credible accusation' comes by typing in "Roy Moore Pedophile', and then referencing the almost exclusively leftist partisan sites who insist he's guilty. The Gestapo couldn't have done it better. But that's not the shocking part, it's that he uses his guilt to attack all non-liberals who aren't his friends. I used to say Mark had become the Jack Chick of the Catholic Blogosphere. It's come to the point where I feel I'm being unfair to Jack Chick by saying that.

      I don't know the details of the case. As far as I'm concerned, he broke no laws, since he's only been accused. Romney and Kasich just show the absolute need for Viagra that an entire swath of the GOP so desperately needs.

      I'm sure there are other factors to consider if it turns out he was guilty. Personally, I'd still say he needs to step down if he was guilty, under the old notion that a person who would do such things or lie about it is not fit to be in office. The same principle that people had when Clinton was in office. It was true then, and true now. Which is why I didn't vote for Trump. I'm fine with getting back to those principles.

    2. Mark using google searches as proof of something is hilarious since by that standard I could prove the Pope is the antichrist or Catholicism is the whore of Babylon.

      At this point I wonder if he has any non-liberal friends left. Dale Price last commented there 2 months ago and Mike Flynn was 9 days ago (and 2 months apparently before that).

      As for leaving office. 1) That's a lot harder to accept ever since Ted Kennedy stayed in the Senate after Chappaquiddick. 2) There is also the question of whether a mistake in the past should affect office holding today. Office removal definitely when something wrong is done while in office. Office removal if wrongdoing can be proven to be a pattern - probably. Office removal for what could be a one-off mistake several decades ago? Well who we would have in office at all then?

      . . .

      No, you're right, Dave - I take it back. Let's institute that now and kick all the bums out. [no sarcasm - u know I'm a bit libertarian] ;)

    3. That's what hit me. Google priests, pedophiles, Pope, anticrhist, and on and on. That's why Mark isn't worth the time it takes to click a link. A shame really. I couldn't help but see if he posted anything for veteran's day. He used to all the time. Don't know when you started reading him, but back in the day, he was close to Donald McCleary's site for celebrating America, American holidays, veterans. It's been a long time. That goes along with the rest of his changes. Almost none of which are for the good.


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