
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

All Saints Day and true diversity

Diversity is one of many words with almost no meaning today.  It is supposed to mean something, usually along the lines of 'everyone respect everyone else who is different.'  Usually it's just a punch line to win an argument on behalf of liberalism, if that.  Diversity in many circles typically means being indoctrinated into various dogmas as prescribed by the Left.

Not that diversity is itself a bad thing.  Quite the contrary, it had the potential of making America the great nation it was.  Likewise, diversity abused or misused can become the rot which eats away at the same country's foundations.  But at its best, diversity is a good thing, since no two of us rascally humans are alike, and acknowledging the fact that we each bring something unique to the table can actually be quite good.

And next to the historic United States, there is no other tradition on Earth where true diversity is demonstrated more obviously than the Communion of Christian Saints.  Look across the globe, and there really is no monolith in the Church.  That's because the call was to make disciples of the nations.  Not just this or that group, or demand others come and be like us.

And so we have a laundry list of diversity in its best form, one that is commonly known as the Communion of Saints.  Michael Flynn does a fine job reminding us about just why real diversity is a blessing, and something worth more than just a dashed off after thought following the loot and parties of All Hallow's Eve.

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