
Friday, November 3, 2017

A spanner in the works

We know that Donald Trump personally worked with Russia in order to hack the election and change the votes so he could win.  How else do we explain the greatest candidate in political history losing to someone like Trump?

And after almost a year of some of the most rigorous coverage and investigations, we've been able to prove that Hillary's campaign reached out to foreigners and paid them to dig up any dirt, true or false, on Donald Trump.  We also know that a lower level aid in the Trump campaign did try to do the same, but higher level aids appeared to poopoo the idea.  Pretty damning stuff.

Now, we've had the woman who once slipped Hillary Clinton questions before a primary debate admit that Hillary and the DNC were in cahoots to ensure Clinton's nomination over Bernie Sanders.  Not that Ms. Brazile's word is gospel.  After all, she was caught doing something pretty underhanded.  This could be a case of trying to deflect back on Clinton in the hopes of making herself look good.

But most of us knew, from the screwed up super delegates, to the press's obvious support through its constant 'can Bernie survive another victory?' coverage, that the jig was up for Sanders and the Machine had ordained that Hillary go down in the history books as America's first woman president.

So I can see why I didn't notice a single evening news broadcast mentioning this story last night, outside of FOX.  It's not surprising after all.  It's barely news.  The DNC and Clintons were in something underhanded together?  That's dog bites man if I ever saw it.  And it might just bring up ugly memories that remind us how much we suspected about the Clintons, the DNC, the media and the whole machine in the first place.

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