
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Where was all of this concern about the plight of women back during the Transgender Bathroom issue?

Just asking.  I'm seeing social media and Facebook and other sources inundated by testimonies from women, and lamentations from men, about how women spend their entire lives - every waking moment it would seem - in fear of being sexually assaulted, raped, or harassed.  Thus:

If that is the case, and assuming it didn't just start 12 months ago, which the testimonies suggest is true, then could someone please tell me why the hell everyone wondered what women were whining and complaining about during the Transgender bathroom issue?  Why was it when women suggested they were concerned, not because they were afraid of Transgenders, but because they felt the rules were too loose or not well thought out, that they were met with variations on 'shut up you homophobic b----es!'?  Why was it that pundits and politicians, bloggers and journalists all scratched their heads and said, "Gee, why would women be that paranoid?".

Where were all the women saying this makes up their daily lives back then?  Where were they covering their sisters' concerns?  Where were the pundits and politicians?  Where were the sensitive men?  Indeed, where was Jackson Katz?  Why is it we're stunned that women would be apprehensive about men in their bathrooms, but fully expect that it's an exercise in courage to walk through the door of the workplace?

Or could it just be that we really don't give a rip about women being harassed and assaulted and raped, unless it helps the cause?  If it does advance the agenda, then by jiminy, that's the most important crisis of the age.  But if it doesn't?  Eh, take it like a man girls.

Same with blacks who kill blacks, or homosexuals who kill or rape homosexuals.  I mean, who cares right?  Do any of those ever make a national headline?  Do they ever provoke riots or mass demonstrations?  Do national media outlets ever move their anchor desks to the latest black on black killing?

Their suffering and death, while tragic, perhaps only matters when it helps the cause.  That's certainly the impression I'm getting from this sudden lament across the lands about how women must be forever worried and concerned about what they were called nuts for being concerned about only a couple dozen months ago.

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