
Thursday, October 12, 2017

More celebrations of Christopher Columbus

I don't know if it has anything to do with Trump, but I've seen much more push-back this year against the anti-Christian/anti-American eradication of the West's heritage and historical figures.  There seemed less desire on the part of the Left to expand the eradication of Columbus, or promote the mythical fairy tale 'Indigenous People's Day.'  At least on an official level.

Likewise, I've seen more articles looking at Columbus fairly.  In secular sources, it was either ignored or mentioned briefly.  In Catholic circles, the more progressive outlets were silent, allowing for those who would not so easily burn the first 2000 years of Christian cultural and ecclesiastical history to the ground to have a say.

Here is a fine article that goes through some of the reasons why Columbus day is a day that should be celebrated. Those Native Americans who exploit the Great White Guilt to hoist a fantasy version of their own heritage on the country should read this.  It might help.

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