
Monday, October 9, 2017

Christopher Columbus and Fake History

Ah yes, Fake History.  That's been going on for some time, since about Herodotus.  Fact is, history is often up to interpretation or bias.  One man's victor is another man's villain.  With the West, the problem is that the Left will side with anyone and everyone who wishes to villainize all things Western Christian and American.

So those Native Americans who don't begrudge Columbus, or don't scream at the Washington Redskins, or don't chafe at the Cleveland Indians, are of no value.  Just like Black Americans who think the Confederate memorials should remain, or who don't like NFL players - Black or otherwise - protesting the Flag.  Those types are right up there with women who believe a woman's role in life is different than a man's, or individuals who once identified as gay but do so no longer.
They are the unpeople of modern liberalism.  They don't help, therefore they don't exist.

But those who fit the narrative are the ones who matter.  And that strongly suggests that it's the Left that truly hates and despises the history of the Christian West.  It's not as if the Left just begrudgingly reports what the clear and obvious truth as understood by the endless oppressed happen to say.  After all, if the Left was only interested in the real truth, they would give as much consideration to those who are content with the traditional understanding and celebration of Western culture.  As it is, they typically care not a lick for those who harbor anything but hatred and bitter resentment towards Christianity, Western Culture and the United States.

As a result, any historical studies must echo only the parts of history that paint anything associated with Western culture in the worst conceivable way imaginable.  That's why it's nice to see articles like this, that not only take to task those revisionist and anti-Western approaches to history, but are willing to do so with scholarship and an examination of the facts.  Read and enjoy and drink a toast to Christopher Columbus. 

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