
Thursday, October 19, 2017

A significant day in world history

General Cornwallis surrendered on this day in 1781.  We've all seen the Schoolhouse Rock clip, so I'm sure we all remember its importance.

Alas that in the modern Cold Civil War, there is a side that dismisses all but the most narrow contributions of that period.  On the other side, the Founding Fathers have become almost mythical.

The fact is, they were the right men at the right time.  They did what few have ever done in history.  They fought to overthrow an established government, succeeded, and then proceeded to keep their promise and put together a successful state that would strive for that more perfect union.

It doesn't happen often.  We sometimes forget that, and so fall into the trap of imagining that the bold rebel or instigator is necessarily the hero against the latest Galactic Empire.  Truth be told, no.  Not that governments haven't been bad, but history is awash with revolutionaries and upstarts who ended up being far worse than what was there to begin with.

The American Catholic, as it can be counted on to do, has a good write up with Washington's actual report of the surrender and a few fun additions to commemorate this day that changed the future of the world.

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