
Saturday, September 23, 2017

Why Donald Trump won

Because Trump and Russia stole the election!  That's actually still on hold, waiting for evidence.  Not saying it didn't happen,  but I am one of those crazy 'innocent until' types.  So we'll see.  I don't equate the slowness of the investigation as proof of no wrongdoing by the way.  I expect the actual investigation to be slow and methodical.  This is the presidency we're talking about. 

Nonetheless, the lack of evidence is only a problem because of the thrice daily breaking news reports speaking of smoking guns and exposed evidence that should all but prove...until it doesn't.  Best bet: Wait until we know, then report.

Anyway, assuming innocent at this point, the question remains how the candidate with every power-player and power institution in the country and a great many nations around the world at her back, lost to a caricature of the worst candidate in history.  Many reasons of course.  Legion as they say.

But sometimes, it's the subtle things.  Why did so many choose not to vote for her, or to support the ticket, or to vote for anyone to keep Trump from being elected? 

Try this.  A little piece that popped up on my dashboard from years ago.  It's a list of quotes from folks on the left, in which people throw worship of God out the window and replace it with worship of Obama, God-man, Man-God, Lord of Lord, God of Gods.  Really.  George Washington enjoyed a certain cult of personality for many years, and it could be argued that Martin Luther King, Jr. has also entered into that level.  But apart from those two, I know of nobody who engendered this much worship and cultic language of praise, love, adoration, and worship in our country's history.

It was, well, sickening; mind-numbingly sickening. And the only thing that made it worse was that the press was right up there singing the choruses, instead of calling them out as the idol worshipers that they were.  Coupled with the fact that anyone who didn't attend the Church of Obama was smacked down as the racist Nazis they were (no doubt stoking the fires of racial tension in our country), I can't help but get the feeling Americans with even a modicum of common sense became tired of the cultural Obama-incense brigade, and might have been worried that a Hillary Clinton president would all but solidify America's official religion as Obama Worship, with Hillary being his prophet. 

Just a hunch on my part. 

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