
Friday, September 29, 2017

Attention National Catholic Reporter: Nobody says America can do no wrong

As I posted ages ago when I first started my blog, that is one of many myths promoted by the Left.  Just because the NCR is a liberal Catholic publication doesn't mean it needs to accept all of the premises, narratives and BS of the Left.

America, if nothing else, has never been afraid of complaining about itself.  Fights go all the way back to the Constitutional Convention, and have never let up.  I collect old history textbooks.  The oldest ones I have date to the 1930s.  They speak of slavery in the negative and our treatment of American Indians.  Do they do it as harshly as we do today, devoid of any forgiveness or understanding of previous generations?  No.  Do they still demonstrate strains of bigotry based on our standards today?  Yes.  But they hardly denied the problems or the sins.

It's one of the great myths - dare I say, lies - that Americans 'need to admit to our sins', or that Americans think 'America can do no wrong.'   We've always known the wrong.  We simply chalked it up to being a great but flawed country.  What we didn't do is use the failings to burn America's heritage to the ground; to throw the proverbial baby out with the bathwater.  That's what Americans didn't do.

So the fact that the entire editorial is predicated on a demonstrably false narrative, a politically driven lie, whatever else is said becomes problematic at best.  At least it demonstrates a false understanding of what the people in question believe and, therefore, what it is they might think about that old flag in the sanctuary.

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