
Saturday, September 23, 2017

Another sign of the season

As I come to grips with the fact that our country is in the grips of a Cold Civil War, I still find pleasure in the finer things.  Despite the fact that I must reconcile with the reality that a growing swath of Americans hate our country, our heritage, our faith, and quite frankly, me and my family, I can still find moments of joy and happiness. 

Chief among these is watching my boys grow and enjoy the life we try to provide. And as a bonus, that is almost invariably in line with the seasons, just like the olden days. 

So today was our youngest's first soccer game.  He's the second youngest, a very young eight year old with kids almost ten.  That's a big spread for that age group.  Nonetheless, he held his own.  I don't think he will be a top player like he was last year.  But he will be on a team that wins more, if today's game is any indicator. 

There is something about the start of their sports in the Fall, even on a blistering 80 degrees in the sun.  You know it's Autumn, and the fun is getting ready to begin.

That was a bright, glaring sun

Our youngest fighting to stop the ball from going out  (he didn't)

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