
Sunday, September 24, 2017

Alejandro Villanueva rocks it

So the NFL, amidst struggling ratings and a growing discontentment among fans, decided to throw a nationwide fit by flipping the bird to the National Anthem.

It was, apparently, a protest against President Trump for saying that the NFL should fire players who flip the bird to the national anthem.  Personally, I've never been impressed when presidents wade into such things.  Let pop culture be itself, there are more important things to do.

But by responding the way the NFL did, it wasn't poking a finger in Trump's eye as much as it was the millions of fans who have begged players for a year to stop shoving politics onto the gridiron. From whole teams kneeling during the anthem to not even showing up on the field until it was over, the NFL made it clear that its allegiance is not with the bulk of its fans, who only exist to feed their coffers, but with the progressives who now love politics in sports and everything else.

All did, except a few, most notably Mr. Villanueva, a three time Afghanistan veteran. He chose to walk out of the tunnel alone and stand while the rest of his team stayed bravely in the tunnel and made their point by staying bravely in the tunnel.

Well done Mr. Villanueva. And well done NFL millionaires.  You demonstrated even more contempt for your fanbase than Hollywood.  The good news?  A growing number of people are starting to ponder the possibility that there are other ways to spend a Sunday than watching millionaire athletes who have made their contempt for their fans and the country their fans love clear.

1 comment:

  1. Wish i could buy that man a drink.

    Hm... maybe i should figure out some kind of internet toasting business...


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