
Thursday, September 28, 2017

35 million AIDS deaths later

Hugh Hefner has died.  In addition, of course, have been tens upon tens of millions of lives harmed by other sex related problems, broken homes, emotional and psychological distress and the burdens that broken homes and single parent families place on society.

That's not to say "Hugh did it!"  No.  But he was a flag bearer for the ideals that had already been percolating for generations.  Following WWII, a decided rejection of whatever traditional values existed was well on its way, and Hefner found a way to take this rejection a quantum leap forward.

I don't have a crystal ball.  But I will bet anything the media will not focus on the negatives of the sex and drugs era.  It never does.  Tens of millions can die.  The bodies can float down beside us like a scene from War of the Worlds.  It matters not.  The modern Left has long convinced us that human suffering only matters insofar as it benefits the agendas of the modern Left.  And the Ministry of Truth only covers that which benefits the modern Left.  The heaping pile of carcasses sacrificed on the altar of our libidos does not help the modern Left.  Therefore, it will not be mentioned.

I pray for Hef.  I really do.  I pray that the disasters and death that flowed in the wake of what he advocated and promoted will not be held against him, as I pray our sins are not held against us.  May God have mercy on him, and lift him up into his loving arms.

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