
Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Stanford Rape Case

All over I hear outrage regarding the light sentence given to a young man accused of rape.  Not that he was found innocent.  That he didn't have the book thrown at him is the problem.  With this, it shouldn't be surprised that charges of racism and sexism are flying like bullets.  Reminders that we are still, as we always have been, a racist, sexist, bigoted nation:

And yet, consider this.  Who has been told for the last month or so to shut up when it comes to being worried about sexual abuse or violations due to the new Transgender revolt?  That would be women.  And who has been saying the equivalent of 'shut you you bigoted bitch' to these women?  The usual sexist pig conservatives who love their sexist America?  Why no.  That would be the Left.  The pro-Transgender revolution Left.

That would be the Left that has met women expressing various levels of concern for their well being, their safety, and their status in different organizations in light of the new Transgender movement with charges of hate, bigotry, stupidity, and a general 'shut up!'  So why is it we are suddenly alarmed and outraged that a young man who was found guilty of rape wasn't tied up by his jewels and left to rot?  Why are we so shocked, Shocked!, that the concerns of women are suddenly of no apparent value?

Where has the outrage from feminists been over the treatment of women who are concerned about their safety and dignity in light of the Transgender mandates?  Where were those who are now rushing forward with the time honored tactic of screaming Racist! Sexist!  when women (African American no less) who have had frightening encounters due to the Transgender phenom, have been called a bunch of ignorant bigots whose concerns are irrelevant?

Remember, this is the same Left that dominates the Democratic party that contains a whopping 35% who now believe government censorship is a good thing.  This is the same Left that has shamelessly exploited its influence in the media in order to effect the desired election results to maintain political power.  This is a movement that has monopolized our educational systems in order to train a generation of Americans, almost half under 35, that the above censorship would be good if imposed on the right people for the right reasons.

Yeah, that movement.  That same movement that has stood by silently for weeks as one story after another of fear and concern by women over the Transgender revolution has been met with scorn and ridicule and contempt.  All of a sudden, a white, heterosexual male has received unjust clemency regarding his own criminal actions and it's Katy-bar-the-door!   Strange that.  I wonder if his sexual orientation and race have anything to do with the difference in reactions?  That would be worth considering.  I'm spending more time keeping my eye on the latent racism in our modern, progressive nation, as I commented on a few days ago.  It would be worth kicking around, that's for sure.

In any event, is anyone else tired of living in a nation with no consistent values or morals?  Not that there isn't racism or sexism in America.  I'm not saying that.  There always has been, and there always will be.  Especially since the definitions continually change, it's highly unlikely that our modern generation will escape the wrath and scorn of future generations for the very same reason we condemn those who came before us.

I think, if what I've seen of the evidence is correct, the young man got off way too easy.  But I also think it's been wrong for various groups to ignore if not openly attack women who have expressed concerns about their safety and sexual vulnerability in light of the Transgender movement.  See how easy that is?  Consistency.

Then again, we must not forget that the Left is, in many ways, double guilty of its own righteous standards.  For it once declared the opinion that certain things shouldn't be allowed to be said in public to be rank censorship, and yet increasingly calls for the actual, bona fide dictionary definition of government censorship when it suits the agenda.  Likewise the Left says that a flawed judicial decision is the result of sexism because it ignores women's concerns and vulnerability, while then turning round and dismissing the same concerns when it suits the agenda. Sometimes I think my boys are correct when they say that liberalism is about keeping your mind off the right thing in order to advance the wrong thing.

Which is why I've said the Left has taught me it's not the fundamentalist, the zealot, or the extremist that is the worst threat to the commonweal.  It's the opportunist.  It's the morally vacant exploiters of the moment.  The fundamentalist, the zealot, the racist, the sexist - they can be reached.  Perhaps they were raised that way. Maybe their culture says that's how they should be. Maybe it was a bad experience.  But you can reach them.  The morally androgynous opportunists, however, are not so easily reached.  After all, they know what they are doing is wrong.  When it applies to others or works in other cases, they are the first to scream outrage from the highest buildings.  But when it suits them?  Then they cynically exploit the very thing they just condemned.  Another handy term for that is hypocrite.  And since it's so difficult to overcome or reach, perhaps that's why hypocrisy, as much as anything, was so loudly condemned by our Lord.


  1. Hi Dave -

    I agree with you about being "tired of living in a nation with no consistent values or morals". It is very discouraging.

    But I would not label the Stanford rape case as only something being a women's agenda issue. You are right, it should be. But more than that, it should be a decency and morality issue, touching all of us, not just women.

    The response of the father of the rapist was chilling - "20 minutes of action" is how he defined a violent, indecent, unprovoked attack on an innocent human being. He made excuses for his son's cruelty and immorality and lamented that it would affect his swimming scholarship and his personal reputation for the rest of his life. And no regrets or apologies to the young woman who was so terribly damaged and violated.

    I agree with you about the growing transgender agenda. It comes to the same thing. There are excuses being made for immorality, immodesty, lack of respect for privacy and innocence, and cruelty toward those least able to defend themselves - children, the elderly, and those who simply want to defend their reputations, purity, and privacy.

    I do not have children, but it would be bad enough to have a daughter of any age faced with fearing to go into a public restroom. A son, husband, clergyman, or any man or boy can be accused of the most vile things, and have no one to defend them. No one is really safe.

    Suddenly, a very small minority is dictating to the majority and challenging and changing the personal rights of the majority. And any of us who object or protect the rights of the innocent are accused of bigotry and humiliated publicly.

    It is becoming a very scary world. But we must live in hope and not stop fighting!

  2. You're absolutely right. As I said, I think what happened was wrong. And there is much to say about where our country is and how such a thing can happen so often in a nation that spends so much time trying to prevent the same. I simply chose to focus on one thing I noticed, as a growing number of complaints tried to make this about some bigger, 'America as Sexist/Racist nation' issue. Sometimes I post based on an immediate reaction I have to something. In this case, I immediately wondered 'hey, where were all the similar complaints and outrage when women were telling stories of sexual intimidation or fear regarding the Transgender issue?' I think this case is emblematic of our modern culture, every bit as much as the same women who only a week ago were told to shut up about their concerns is just as emblematic. Thanks for the insight though!

  3. Nate, hadn't heard that. Was that back in the day of her law practice I take it?

  4. In fairness to Mrs. Clinton, it looks like the details are less damning than the meme. Not that everything was clear and clean. And perhaps there is just enough "I was doing my job" to keep her from taking the road of moral superiority. But as I read through the second link, it does seem that the punch of the pasted statement from the first was quite a bit reduced.

  5. Dave -

    It is I, Anonymous from above.

    On the up side, as a woman, it makes me proud to know there are still decent, brave, civilized men in the world (my husband is one of them). The two Swedish doctoral students who were good enough to stop Turner's unspeakable attack on the young lady, check on her well-being, and chase Turner down and hold onto him until the authorities could come is inspiring and speaks well of their decency and manhood. Who knows how long the attack would have gone on if they had not, of if it would have ended in death for the young lady. They also testified in defense of the young lady at the court hearing, because it was the right thing to do. If they had not done behaved as real men and moral human beings, Turner would have gotten away with it, with no witnesses. The young lady expressed her gratitude for their assistance and support in her comments to the court.

  6. I noticed that today there has been more coverage of the boys who stepped in and stopped it. It is nice to know that good old common decency, to the point of bravery and self-sacrifice, exist (probably more often than we imagine).

  7. In fairness to Mrs. Clinton, it looks like the details are less damning than the meme

    Yeah, and probably the same with the swimmer's case. But this is popular meme culture, so details aren't to be cotton'd to by anybody. That's kind of the juxtaposition.

    If you want to get your outrage on, then there's no reason not to be outraged at Clinton too by the standard set. If you want to say, "Well when we consider the details..." then that means we'll have to consider the details of the latest rape case which is similarly going to take the wind out of the outrage sails.

  8. Tis true. I'm not saying that the young man shouldn't have been punished. And it makes me skittish about taking the angle I took to begin with. Ultimately, my first reaction should have been 'that's terrible, I hope she's OK and that justice it done.' In fairness, that was my reaction when I first saw the story. But as it turned into a firestorm, witch hunt, now political movement that was attacking men, whites, America and Conservatives, that's when I decided to look into it more, noticed the sudden concern everyone had for women in this hook up culture, and couldn't help but wonder where all the concern was just a couple short weeks ago when it comes to Transgender issues. I'm fine for looking at all the details, and am prepared to concede the point if it turns out the facts show differently. And that includes looking more at this case, just like the Hillary story.

  9. Oh pardon me, Dave, my humblest apologies. I did NOT mean "you" as in "you, Dave G." but "you" as in "example" or "public" in my previous comment. That was in no way any kind of passive aggressive swipe at ya or anything but more musing upon the state of the public discourse.

  10. No problem Nate. You are correct. Why not consider the details all the time. The same is true for what the good Anon. said in my Trump post. He's right. Trump says a Mexican something, and it's Racist! all the way. Yet we hear White Anger, Angry White Male, White Voters, White Influence, White Majority as if they are all negative because of the Whiteness, and nobody thinks twice. My boys asked that, and it's a fair question. Why is it that people can talk about whites as if the very presence of Whiteness is bad, and yet nobody cares? I think you hit on that some time ago. But in this case, you're right. Plus it got me to thinking about the post itself, and explaining why I seemed to be breaking my own rule about posting politics when a good old prayer would seem to do the trick.


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