
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

I'm fine with this

Pope Francis has honored George Clooney according to CBS.  That doesn't mean Pope Francis is giving the official papal seal of approval to anything and everything that Mr. Clonney stands for.  I'm reminded of an old picture of the pope greeting a younger Frank Sinatra.  Can't remember which pope it was, but I'm pretty sure the pope in question wasn't suggesting that Sinatra was being given full endorsement of everything going on in his life.

I bear Mr. Clooney a little grudge when, some years ago, he went after Charlton Heston and made a swipe about his Alzheimer's.  Since my Dad suffered that ass-pit of hell disease, I would never make light of it, or in any way twist and turn it for political points.  That Mr. Clooney did so and, to my knowledge, never apologized is a black mark on his reputation in my opinion.  So it isn't as if I'm a fan.  I'm just saying that Pope Francis giving a nod to someone doesn't mean anything other than Pope Francis giving a nod to someone.

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