
Sunday, June 12, 2016

Horrible shooting at nightclub

According to breaking news, 20 people have been killed in a Florida nightclub.  Reports are still coming in, and details will be worked out.  While we acknowledge that all manner of death and suffering happened yesterday and will happen today that won't receive news coverage, this has received it.  We can pray for those we know nothing about, while also praying for those who, for reasons beyond our control, we now know.  God bless them and keep them, cover the hearts of their loved ones in the peace of Christ which surpasses all understanding.

Update:  If reports are correct, the number dead has now reached 50.  A like number are wounded.  This is horrible. If one was killed it would be a tragedy.  It is now multiplied by 50.  Prayers for the victims.  Prayers for the families.  Prayers for all who are involved.

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