
Saturday, May 28, 2016


Ta Ta For Now!   It's Memorial Day weekend.  And on this particular weekend we will mix relaxation, preparation for exams for the kiddos, eating and, most importantly, remembering and honoring those who came before who gave everything so that we could screw up the country they left behind.  To that end, here is a post I did that shows some of the cinematic fare we will enjoy on this, and similarly themed, weekends.

We'll do other things as well.  We often go to local cemeteries and visit the graves of veterans.  If we had better transportation, we'd take my Mom up to where my Dad was buried.  Memorial Day is also good for paying respect to loved ones in general.  And in Dad's case, he was a veteran from the Korean War as well.

As it stands, we'll do what we can do.  Playing military based board games and similar pastimes isn't off the table.  Hopefully it will be a time of rest, fun, family and reflection.  And I pray you all have the same, and can enjoy a little bit of this fading freedom that we, perhaps, have long taken for granted.  I'll be back next week, most likely Tuesday.  God bless.

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.  John 15:13, KJV

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