
Friday, May 27, 2016

If you are ever in Ohio

Here are a few places worth stopping by for a bite to eat.  The G&R Tavern is just down the road, and I have yet to go there.  Some day.  I'm not a big fan of 'thick meat on sandwiches.'  If I get deli meat sliced, I'll ask them to cut it paper thin; I'll say I want to be able to read through it.  But those thick bologna sandwiches are known outside of the Buckeye State.  Perhaps I'll break down and go.  If those ten restaurants aren't enough, then go here for the first of the series of great restaurants in awesome small towns.

FWIW, I have yet to find a small, family owned restaurant that has impressed me like The Irish Rover, in Louisville, KY.  When I was in graduate school, I used to go there every Wednesday for fish and chips and a glass of Harp at lunchtime.  And sometimes I'd bring a friend or two.  It was run by a fellow from Ireland who brought back actual Irish recipes.  It's not an American restaurant decorated to look Irish.  You feel you've actually stepped across the Atlantic and entered a pub in Ireland.  If only it was in Ohio...

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