
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

And then there was one

Well, one and a quarter I should say.  John Kasich, who is running fourth in a two man race, is staying in for the heart and soul of a GOP he seems willing to compromise himself, but not in the manner of Trump.  He seems to be wavering between admired man of principles and joke.

But Trump now emerges as the presumptive nominee of the Grand Old Party.  At this point we'll see if Mark Shea and other skeptics were correct about the Republicans.  That, in the end, the Republican party cared not a rip for anything it sold to traditional and conservative Americans.

How will it show this?  I don't know.  As more and more leaders are rushing to demand all faithful Republicans fall behind a man whose life, and whose majority opinions, are diametrically opposed to everything they hold dear, and everything the GOP has said was non-negotiable, it will take quite a juggling act not to come off as the hypocrites of the century and validate those on the Catholic blogosphere who have waged jihad against the Republicans for years.

On the other political front, some in the media are calling on Bernie Sanders to step down after his win in Indiana.  Never has winning been such a liability as it has been in the Democratic primaries for this election cycle.

The reason is pretty clear.  It's not some love affair that the press or even establishment Democrats have for Hillary.  It's that they still believe once the spotlight is on the two nominees, Sanders would buckle.  Not that his form of radical culture of death and pseudo-Marxist inspired socialism isn't what the Left wants.  But they're pretty sure that, even now, most American's haven't been coaxed into accepting that degree of radicalism.  At least not yet.

They also know that, despite years of propaganda to the contrary, most Americans aren't happy about where the country is, don't think Obama is the greatest leader since Moses, and don't believe everything wrong is really just a vast, right wing conspiracy.  Most, in fact, are rather unhappy with Obama, see him as weak and ineffectual, and are ready for change.

So even though Sanders might seem the logical individual to fill that hope, again, he's a radical, and a nice guy version of Trump.  He doesn't spew infantile insults and spoiled brat temper tantrums like Trump.  But he has the same basic lack of substance when pinned down on the details, and more or less just repeats his same rallying cries over and over.

Plus, he appeals to the younger voters, a demographic well known for their lack of follow through on election day.  This could prove especially true since, based on his rallies, the main thing they seem to love about Sanders is his full and unwavering support for the gay sex movement (which translates as 'sex for everyone since I said they could do what they want!'), and the legalization of drugs.  These things, good at a rally, might not translate into votes in November, especially if the GOP has put forth Trump, someone who appears to be to the Left of most Democrats in his opinions about social issues.

So it's Hillary or bust, and we can't let a little thing like Sanders' continued wins stand in the way.  If the GOP embraces Trump and all his liberal and socialist inspired views, that is fine.  The press can work with a liberal President, even if he is GOP.  Nonetheless, the press prefers to the Democratic majority, since the Democratic party platform is fully behind the dogmas of the Secular Left.  For that reason, the pundits continue to hope for Trump, but prefer Hillary as the challenger.  Just in case.

UPDATE: It looks like Kasich will finally concede the inevitable.  I don't think he was planning on Cruz dropping out the way he did.  Whatever the reason, now there is no viable candidate running on behalf of the GOP.  About the only thing the GOP can do - and it's a long shot - will be to insist Trump stay true to Conservative principles, or risk the GOP throwing in the towel for this election cycle.  Assuming, of course, the GOP still cares about such things.  If they don't, and if they let Trump run amok, don't expect this fellow to vote.  I'm not one who says I'll vote for anyone as long as they don't have a (D) after their name.  Even though there is a case to be made for  supporting a party that doesn't have as its official platform sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance, it does no good if the opposing party goes ahead and advocates for them anyway.

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