
Friday, January 1, 2016

The triumph of anti-Christianity

Until I watched the typical end-of-year recaps during the New Years Eve celebrations, I didn't realize how the heresies of the modern secular movement had seized so much of our nation's heart and soul.  Literally, most of the highlights looked like fundraising clips at a 'Conquer America for Secular Progressives' rally.  You had legalized gay sex, transgender rewrites of scientific teaching, ignoring thousands of murder victims who don't help instigate racism and fuel racial tensions, the MMGW juggernaut, the right or wrong celebration of Catholicisms's move into the light, and on and on.

Kim Davis wasn't mentioned apart from standing in the path of 'marriage equality' (a false term and lie, but it works).  Immigration was mentioned, while little of the concerns of those receiving the thrust of the immigration was acknowledged.  ISIS managed to get a few clips.  But that was it.  On the whole a triumph for those who embrace the latest, interpret all truths through the claims of the modern progressive movement, and who want to see an end to those pesky types who keep standing in the way of the right side of history.

And without taking a pause, on the first day of the new year, the news celebrates another step toward the coming tyranny.  A Catholic hospital is being sued by the ACLU for being Catholic.  The ACLU, like much of this movement, hates Christianity.  Make no mistake, it does.  It's almost asinine to think of denying it.  This case, like many, will test the legalities of what the nation is already warming up to: is it time to ditch those silly notions of freedom and liberty found in places like the Bill of Rights if it means I can have better sex and legalized drugs?  We'll see.  Even if the courts rule for the hospital, the court of public opinion is almost dashing madly toward anything that is against the Christian moral heritage of our civilization.

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